Demographic Profile of Respondents (LC2021R6)

Survey code: LC2021R6


  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Male 439 49.3 424 47.6
Female 452 50.7 467 52.4
Total 891 100.0 891 100.0


  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
18 – 29 91 10.5 135 15.6
30 – 39 125 14.5 129 15.0
40 – 49 107 12.4 142 16.5
50 – 59 146 16.9 171 19.8
60 – 69 181 20.9 162 18.7
70 or above 214 24.8 125 14.4
Total 864 100.0 864 100.0
Missing case(s) 27 27

What is your educational attainment? (Highest level attended, i.e. regardless of whether the course had been completed, including the course in progress)

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Primary or below 134 15.1 97 10.9
Junior secondary (F.1-F.3) 145 16.3 135 15.3
Senior secondary (F.4-F.7 / DSE / YiJin) 246 27.7 245 27.6
Post-secondary: non-degree (Diploma / Certificate / Associate degree) 73 8.2 82 9.3
Post-secondary: degree (Bachelor’s degree / Postgraduate or above) 289 32.6 327 36.9
Total 887 100.0 886 100.0
Missing case(s) 4 5

What is your current occupation?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Administrators and professionals 161 18.3 186 21.1
Clerks and service workers 171 19.4 202 22.9
Production workers 74 8.4 79 8.9
Students 30 3.4 45 5.1
Home-makers / Housewives 129 14.6 128 14.5
Retired 286 32.5 206 23.4
Unemployed / non-workers 30 3.4 35 3.9
Total 881 100.0 881 100.0
Missing case(s) 10 10

Which district are you living in?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Hong Kong Island (Central and Western, Wanchai, , Eastern, Southern) 143 16.9 124 14.6
Kowloon East (Wong Tai Sin, Kwun Tong) 120 14.2 119 14.0
Kowloon West (Yau Tsim Mong, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon City) 119 14.1 126 14.8
New Territories East (Northern, Tai Po, Sai Kung, Sha Tin) 237 28.0 250 29.4
New Territories West (Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Kwai Tsing and Islands) 227 26.8 230 27.1
Total 846 100.0 849 100.0
Missing case(s) 45 42

Are you a registered voter?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Yes 891 100.0 891 100.0

Which of the following best describe your political inclination?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Pro-democracy camp 203 23.9 218 25.7
Pro-establishment 142 16.7 121 14.3
Pro-localist 90 10.6 108 12.7
Pro-centrist 180 21.2 184 21.8
Others 1 0.1 1 0.1
No inclination / Neutral / No affiliation 183 21.6 173 20.5
Don’t know / hard to say 49 5.8 41 4.8
Total 848 100.0 846 100.0
Missing case(s) 43 45

Is the unit you are living in self-purchased or rented?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Self-purchased 498 58.2 483 56.4
Rented (including rent-free / provided by employer) 358 41.8 373 43.6
Total 856 100.0 856 100.0
Missing case(s) 35 35

What type of housing are you living in?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Public housing (including the Senior Citizen Residences Scheme and other public rental housing unit) 274 31.9 270 31.5
HOS flat with with premium not yet paid (including the Sandwich Class Housing Scheme and other subsidized sale flat) 121 14.1 114 13.3
Private housing (including HOS flat with premium paid / other subsidized housing, village house and staff quarter) 439 51.0 444 51.7
Others (including student dormitory, elderly home, industrial building, hotel and temporary housing) 26 3.0 30 3.5
Total 860 100.0 859 100.0
Missing case(s) 31 32

What is your marital status?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Single 213 24.8 252 29.4
Married / Cohabiting 541 63.0 524 61.1
Divorced / Separated / Widowed 105 12.2 81 9.4
Total 859 100.0 858 100.0
Missing case(s) 32 33

Which class do you consider your family belongs to?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Upper class 3 0.3 2 0.3
Upper middle class 50 5.8 48 5.6
Middle class 291 33.6 287 33.1
Lower middle class 222 25.6 237 27.3
Lower class or grassroots 277 32.0 274 31.6
Don’t know / hard to say 23 2.7 19 2.2
Total 866 100.0 867 100.0
Missing case(s) 25 24

Where were you born?

  Raw sample Weighted sample
  Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Hong Kong 537 61.3 563 64.4
Mainland China 305 34.8 282 32.2
Taiwan 2 0.2 3 0.3
Macau 6 0.7 5 0.5
Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc.) 16 1.8 10 1.2
Canada 1 0.1 1 0.1
United States 3 0.3 3 0.3
Australia 1 0.1 2 0.2
England 1 0.1 1 0.2
Others 3 0.3 4 0.4
Don’t know 1 0.1 1 0.1
Total 876 100.0 875 100.0
Missing case(s) 15 16
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