Survey on Public Awareness of Respiratory Infectious Disease

Questionnaire (Chinese only)

Survey results (Chinese only)

News report (1): 科委會研引入肺炎鏈球菌15價疫苗 孔繁毅:近年血清3型成港主流 新疫苗有效對付【Ming Pao】

News report (2): 肺鏈疫苗接種率低 感染惡菌 老幼高危【Oriental Daily】

News report (3): 肺炎鏈球菌個案增 專家:危機意識不足【Sing Tao Headline】

News report (4): 專家︰流感高峰後染肺炎鏈球菌或增多 感染引併發症死亡率達47%【AM730】

News report (5): 對肺炎鏈球菌認知不足 僅2成市民有意願打疫苗 專家籲增關注【】

News report (6): 近日肺炎鏈球菌個案升 專家籲接種疫苗【Now News】

News report (7): 調查發現僅兩成人願接種肺炎鏈球菌疫苗 四醫學會籲政府免費提供【HK01】

News report (8): 四個醫學會調查發現本港肺鏈疫苗接種率偏低【Radio Television Hong Kong】

News report (9): 「肺鏈」隨時來襲 4大醫學會籲長幼打疫苗【Sky Post】

News report (10): 4醫學會倡接種肺炎縺球菌疫苗【Hong Kong Economic Journal】

News report (11): 四醫學會發現肺鏈疫苗接種率偏低 倡政府免費接種【Orange News】

News report (12): 4個醫學會倡政府提供免費肺炎縺球菌疫苗【Commercial Radio Hong Kong】

News report (13): Nearly 80 per cent of adult Hongkongers have not received vaccine against pneumococcus, online survey finds【South China Morning Post】

News report (14): Hongkongers urged to get pneumococcal jabs【Radio Television Hong Kong】

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