2021 Legislative Council Election Feature Page

Online survey #3 (06/12/2021 - 09/12/2021)
People’s interest in Legislative Council election, inclination to vote and voting outside Hong Kong / at the border
Telephone survey #2 (29/11/2021 - 03/12/2021)
People’s voting propensity, awareness of candidates and the new geographical constituencies
Online survey #2 (29/11/2021 - 02/12/2021)
People’s interest in Legislative Council election, inclination to vote and voting outside Hong Kong / at the border
Online survey #1 (23/11/2021 - 25/11/2021)
Attention to the Legislative Council election and preliminary voting intention
Telephone survey #1 (15/11/2021 - 18/11/2021)
People’s voting propensity, awareness of candidates and the new geographical constituencies
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