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兩年前的十月, 我寫道:「傳統上,十月份是香港施政年度的開始…… 1992年10月是民研團隊第一次進行施政報告即日調查,一做就是30年…… 經過一番討論和思考,我們決定繼續進行即日調查,及以網上組群進行期望調查和後續調查。對比1997,是一個倒退,但對比2020,則可算是重新上路。一國兩制後半期的發展,是否容得下科學與民主?民研的發展就是一個指標。」
此外,由於本人將於年底卸任世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)會長的職位,本人將可騰出更多時間處理本地民研的事務。不過,本人過去兩年透過領導世界民研獲取的心得,包括對自由權利、專業素養、人文精神的執著,將不會改變。相反,本人更加希望把「香港」( HongKong )精神進一步提升至世界全人類( HumanKind)的水平,繼續在國際社會發揮作用。
In October two years ago, I wrote “Traditionally, October is the beginning of Hong Kong’s policy year… our team first conducted our policy address instant poll in October 1992, we persisted for 30 years… after much discussion and deliberation, we have decided to continue with our instant poll, and to conduct expectation and follow-up surveys online. Compared to 1997, it is a retrogression, but compared to 2020, it can be regarded as a new start. Is there room for science and democracy in the second half of Hong Kong’s one country two systems”? The development of PORI is an indicator.”
Two years later, we have decided to continue this tradition to run our 33rd survey, along with some new developments spanning over the coming three months. We will revamp our social media platforms, redesign our website, reorganize our data enquiry platform, promote deliberation activities, and enhance our membership system.
Our members will then be given priority access to our latest research findings and information, experts’ commentaries and educational materials. They will be given exclusive access to members’ newsletters, and invited to interact with our team.
Moreover, since I will finish my tenure as the President of WAPOR by the end of this year, I will have more time to handle local research matters. I will continue my commitment towards Liberty, Quality and Humanity, arising from my WAPOR reflections. I will also do my best to promote our Hong Kong Spirit, so that “HK” can one day become an acronym for both “HongKong” and “HumanKind”.
HKPORI officially started to operate on July 1, 2019 after it left The University of Hong Kong. We will continue to wave the flags of science and democracy to serve all mankind, including of course our country and Hong Kong society. Five days ago, I said at the monthly press conference that PORI will consider a basket of six factors in deciding whether and how often to continue a tracking survey, namely, people’s interest, research value, cost-effectiveness, member opinions, historical value, and legal risks. Today, we announce the indefinite suspension of three tracking surveys due to zero download: the “Popularity of Executive Councillors” survey with 9 questions, the “June 4th Incident” survey with 9 questions, and the “HKSAR Anniversary” survey with 2 questions . However, in case a download will occur over the next six months, we may consider restarting the relevant survey. Record shows that these three surveys have already become annual surveys, which can hardly be further spaced out. Let me also add a note here: we have actually conducted a survey on “HKSAR Anniversary” in May this year, comprising two questions: “Are you proud of becoming a Chinese citizen after 1997?” and “How would you evaluate the central government’s policy towards Hong Kong since then?” We have conducted the survey but not yet uploaded the data to our enquiry platform. This corrects the information we shared with the press at our last press conference with an apology.
HKPORI was symbolically established on May 4, 2019 and then officially started to operate on July 1. We have chosen May 4 because we want to serve humankind, obviously encompassing our nation and society, under the banners of science and democracy. Two years ago I wrote: After May 4, we will reduce the frequency of our press conferences to about four times a month, in order to spare more resources for our online civic education work. Last year I continued: Two months later, we will have completed all 25 reports of our “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review” series, we will reposition ourselves again. This year, concurring with the 54+23 and the 33rd anniversary of our research team, we will start our half-yearly review again, but our pledge to promote the May Fourth Spirit remains unchanged.
In our last press conference held in July, I explained that we at HKPORI would tango with time. I explained, having reflected seriously on whether we are actually advancing or receding with time, it seems most comfortable for me to conclude that we are, and should, simply tango with time. Sometimes we move forward, sometimes backward, sometimes in spirals. We are advancing with new analytical tools, like revamping our PSI methodology, but we are also relying on our empirical data collected over the past three decades to sharpen our methodological tools. We are promoting secondary data analysis, to provide new insights for future development. We will be writing history books and reports, based on our recently completed “One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review Series” among others. We will be launching our data archive services, but we are also reducing the scope of our community service and free publications. Are we moving forward or backward? May be only time can tell, because we are tangoing with time.
Double-seven is an important day, now or in history. Be it on ethnic, social or personal level, it has become a day for reflections. After HKPORI announced our re-positioning in July, many media and friends have wanted to know more. Let me report here our latest development, but many changes are yet to be announced. Firstly, we have reaffirmed ourselves to be a non-profit “civic society conscience enterprise” through our “shareholder’s pledge” and “company fact sheet”. We are established to promote and develop research, which would facilitate the growth of Hong Kong society and the global community. We have already formulated an anti-money laundering policy. Together with our data protection policies and professional codes of conduct, our operation is getting safer. Secondly, in the area of secondary data analysis, we have already started to release frequently our second generation of “Public Sentiment Index”. As for the public’s concern on the reduction of our research and public releases, we are now in the final stage of deliberation, and will announce it very soon. Please pay attention to the various online columns in our PORI website, including “PORI Express” and “Chung’s Blunt Words”.
三十二年前的六月份,民意研究團隊正式成立。一年前的六月份,民研進行的「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」正式開始。 今年六月底,25份報告便會順利完成。每年在六、七月之間,民研都會進行大型檢討,今年當然不會例外。四年前,我便說過,香港民研有一個重大使命,是為一國兩制前半的發展,留下公開的歷史數據,讓後人有所參考,這個任務現已接近完成。七月開始,香港民研會加強二次數據的開發和應用,並且深化多媒體公民教育的工作。不過,與此同時,由於資源有限,民研也會減少自費收集和發放原始數據的工作,盡量貼近社會對該等數據的需求。各界人士如有任何意見或提問,歡迎以電郵聯絡我們,我們會透過網頁平台逐一公開回應。
Thirty-two years ago in June, our research team was established. One year ago in June, our “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review” was launched. By the end of June this year, all 25 review reports will be done. Every year in June and July, we conduct a major review, this year is no exception. Four years ago, I said we had a mission to preserve the historical data of the first half of “one country, two systems” for the future generations. This mission is almost complete. Starting this July, we will step up the development and application of secondary data, and to intensify our multi-media civic education efforts. However, due to resource constraints, we will also reduce our self-funded effort to collect and release primary data, so as to keep pace with the public demand for such data. If anyone has any suggestions or questions for us, please email them to us and we will answer them openly one by one.
今年一月,我就任世界民意研究學會會長,國際事務非常繁忙。四月中旬,我在學會網頁發放了上任一百天的總結,首次使用了十種人手翻譯和133種智能翻譯語言傳達訊息,算是一個突破。 我會適時在香港民研的網頁上介紹我的工作。5月4日是香港民研象徵式成立的日子,是我們的假期。民研選擇在五四運動一百週年啟動成立,是要高舉科學和民主的旗幟,為世界、國家、民族和社會的發展尋找新的方向。還有兩個月,民研進行的「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」系列便會完成25分報告,順利結束。民研歷史和世界定位,便要再次改變,各位可以拭目以待。
In January, I became the President of WAPOR. I was bogged down with international affairs very often. In mid-April, WAPOR uploaded my 100 days in office sharing, in 10 human and 133 machine translated languages. It was a breakthrough, I will explain more later. HKPORI was symbolically established on May 4, which becomes our annual holiday. We kickstarted ourselves on the centenary of the May Fourth Movement, in order to raise the banners of science and democracy, and to find a new direction for this world. Two months later, we will have completed all 25 reports of our “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review” series. We will reposition ourselves again, please stay tuned.
Ten days later, we will celebrate the winter solstice. Between November and December, a lot has happened, including the twists and turns of anti-pandemic policies, the come and go of top leaders, the changing situation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, and the annual conferences of public opinion research. They have provided us with good food for thought. By the time of winter solstice, we will have completed 15 reports in our “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review” series, the remaining 10 will be completed in six months. Meanwhile, we are constantly enhancing our PORI website. The latest addition is the reprint of “Chung’s Blunt Words”, as another attempt of diversified sharing. Here are the concluding remarks of the latest article of the column: “China’s first emperor has died for more than 2,000 years, the appraisal of his rule is still inconclusive. Scientists recently announced that DNA samples collected… 16 years ago… could only wait until now for technology to advance… We will preserve the data as much as we can, just like scientists preserving their DNA samples, in order to facilitate future research.”
October has passed, has the world rebooted? From the perspective of public opinion research, this November is really important. After three years of zero real meeting, the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) will finally hold its face to face annual conference in Dubai to discuss the new challenges of public opinion research. The conference will be held in conjunction with the annual conference of its Asia Pacific Chapter, and will include both independent and joint seminars, making it a professional event of all kinds. As for our HKPORI “25th Anniversary of One Country Two Systems Mid-term Review Series” which we started in June, we have already released 13 reports, which is just over half of the total 25 reports. In terms of civic education, we have posted a lot of infographics on social media in the past few months, and we have also started to train up young moderators to hold our press conferences, so that they can apply what they have learnt, especially in distinguishing the difference between figures and comments. Whether November is an opportunity remains to be seen.
Traditionally, October is the beginning of Hong Kong’s policy year. This October is the first October of the second half of Hong Kong’s one country two systems. Looking back, our team first conducted our policy address instant poll in October 1992, we persisted for 30 years. In 1997, we added policy expectation surveys and also post-address follow-up surveys, but we gradually reduced the number and types of these surveys starting in 2020. Last year, we started to conduct our expectation survey using our online panel, but we did not conduct any follow-up survey. This year, after much discussion and deliberation, we have decided to continue with our instant poll, and to conduct expectation and follow-up surveys online. Compared to 1997, it is a retrogression, but compared to 2020, it can be regarded as a new start. Is there room for science and democracy in the second half of Hong Kong’s one country two systems? The development of PORI is an indicator.
As we enter September, HKPORI has released nine review reports of one country two systems. We will continue to break new ground amidst this time of adversity. Hongkongers should have a broad vision, as here is where the East meets West. The call of the times lies in culture immersion and globalization. When I was a teenager, I witnessed Apollo landing on the moon. It deepened my curiosity about everything in the universe. Half a century later, Artemis took up the torch. This drives me and HKPORI to accelerate our trans society trans nation and trans reality studies. Hopefully a few months later we will have a new look. Exactly how to discover and establish a new order in the barbaric world of social media and virtual reality may remain a surreal issue.
香港民研在六月啟動的「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」系列已發表了七次報告,預計在年底前再發表八次,明年上半年另外十次,合共25個報告,系列便算功德圓滿。之後,本人會否淡出香港,專注國際專業發展,還要看看天意。仲夏當前,民間水深火熱,民研未見輕鬆。既定計劃雖有微調,但仍然大體不變。本月起,定期記招如期縮減至每月兩次,而蓄勢待發的,是民研公民教育工作。 我們先會增加網站的欄目,然後豐富欄目內容,再增加服務項目,務求與時並進,在一國兩制後半期開展新的發展。明天是民研八月份的第一個「新聞日」,我們除了會發佈包括特首民望的定期調查和限聚指數外,還會在網頁開展「民硏快訊」的欄目,敬請留意。
HKPORI launched the “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” in June, seven reports have been released. Eight more are expected before the end of the year, another ten in the first half of the next, making a total of 25 reports. After that, I will follow heaven’s call whether I should fade away from Hong Kong and focus on promoting international professional development. In the midst of this deep summer, the public is burning and PORI is still working hard. Albeit slight adjustments to the many plans, our work has remained intact. Starting this month, our regular press conferences will be reduced to twice a month as planned, while we get ready for our civic education work. We will first increase the number of columns in our website, then enrich their content, then add more services, in order to keep up with the times and start a new chapter in the second half of “one country, two systems”.Tomorrow will be our first “Press Event” in August. We will release our tracking surveys including CE popularity and GGPI, as well as launch our online “PORI Express”.
本人於1987年加入剛成立的香港大學社會科學研究中心,香港的主權回歸已成定局。四年後,成立香港大學民意研究計劃,距離回歸六個年頭。時至今天,本人的專業研究生涯剛剛好過了35年,也許應該退休。2022年的今天,香港的一國兩制進入後半期,民意研究團隊工作了31年,脫離大學後運作了三年,亦剛好見證了一國兩制25年,算是完成一個階段性的歷史任務。香港前途茫茫、民研長路漫漫,如何繼續科學和民主的旗幟,為社會、民族和世界尋找新的方向,是香港民研最新面對的挑戰。最近有人問我:路還可走多遠? 我答:路是人走出來的,與其詢問路還可以走多遠?不如繼續走下去,把路走出來。
I joined the newly established Social Sciences Research Centre at The University of Hong Kong in 1987, when the return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty was already a foregone conclusion. Four years later, I founded the Public Opinion Programme at The University of Hong Kong, it was six years before the handover. Today, I have just passed 35 years of professional research career, so perhaps it is time to retire. This day in 2022, Hong Kong’s one country two systems has just started its second half-life, and our research team has witnessed it after working for 31 years, the last three of which as an independent institute outside the university. We have completed one important stage of a historical task. Now that Hong Kong’s future is uncertain, and public opinion research still has a long way to go. We now face the new challenge of how to keep the flags for science and democracy waving high, while we find a new direction for the society, the nation and the world. Recently I was asked, “How far can we still go?” I replied, “We walk out the paths, so let us keep walking.”
香港民研每半年檢視和調整工作一次,部份改變已在上月啟動,包括下調新聞發佈會的次數和啟動網上公民教育工作。六月開始, 我們會啟動「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」,暫時以兩個月為第一階段,逐個星期以不同形式發佈各個項目總結。民研本星期會先以官員民望打頭陣,下星期再總結六四民情,然後是身份認同和回歸周年,詳情容後公佈。七月開始,我們打算下調定期民意調查的次數,由每月兩次減至每月一次,以便爭取資源進行公民教育和民情總結。
HKPORI reviews and adjusts its work once every six months. Some changes have already been started last month, including reducing the frequency of press conferences and developing online civic education. In June, we kickstart the “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review”. The first phase of the review will take two months, in different forms of releases each week. We will start with the popularity of officials this week, then June Fourth wrap-up, then ethnic identity and then handover anniversaries, details to be announced. Starting from July, we plan to reduce the frequency of our tracking surveys from twice a month to once a month, in order to conserve resources for civic education and mid-term review.
HKPORI was symbolically established on May 4, 2019 and then officially started to operate on July 1. We have chosen to launch ourselves on the centenary of the May Fourth Movement, in order to wave high the flags of science and democracy, and to find a new direction for the development of the world, our country, our nation and our society. Incidental to PORI’s ongoing half-yearly review, we would like to make this announcement: After May Fourth this year, PORI will reduce the frequency of our press conferences to about four times a month, in order to spare more resources for our online civic education work. Besides, PORI would also like to stress the separation of comments from figures, so that the responsibility of all personal comments arising from our scientific research lies entirely on the commentators concerned, not HKPORI.
香港民意研究所從即日開始,會集中透過電郵回覆傳媒查詢,以方便記錄有關查詢的時間和內容,並在必要時澄清我們的陳述。民研最近檢視了過去半年的工作,發現部份傳媒開始習慣使用不專業的手法處理查詢,甚至捏造虛假文件抹黑我們。民研每次都會按照事件的嚴重性考慮是否報警處理或者採取法律行動。不過,民研始終希望以公民教育方式處理有關事件,協助香港社會重回正軌。懇請注意:民研在正式辦公時間之外,未必可以迅速回應傳媒的查詢。民研的查詢電郵為[email protected],我們會在辦公時間分流處理。
Starting from today, HKPORI will centrally respond to all media enquiries via email, in order to record the time and content of such enquiries, and to clarify our answers when necessary. We have recently reviewed our work over the past six months, and found that some media have started to use unprofessional practices to handle enquiries, or even fabricate false documents to discredit PORI. Every time, PORI would consider whether to report to the police or take legal action in light of the seriousness of the case. All said, PORI still wants to handle these incidents as part of its civic education effort, in order to help Hong Kong society get back on track. Please note that PORI may not be able to respond to media enquiries promptly outside its office hours. PORI’s email address is [email protected], and we will handle them during office hours by triage.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer of HKPORI Chung Kim-wah attended the last press conference of his term today, before stepping down from this position by the end of April. The President and Chief Executive Officer of HKPORI Robert Chung would like to thank Kim-wah for his contributions to the Institute, and also thanks the public for caring so much about its development. Robert Chung announces that HKPORI is operating normally, complies with the laws as usual, and would cooperate with all law enforcement units as much as possible. HKPORI usually reviews its operation once every six months. The current exercise is expected to be completed within two months, some changes may be implemented as early as next month.
截至目前,共有10名研究隊員擔任不同崗位,和一個約有70名兼職訪員組成的前線研究團隊。在每個工作天,研究所可於其總部動用大約40 個訪員工作台。如有需要,可再增加上大約20個臨時工作台。訪員當中大約60%接受過高等教育,其中大約十分之一擁有高等學位。此外,尚有小部分訪員是經由一些本地非政府組織根據一些合作計劃轉介予香港民意研究所的殘疾人士。雖然他們的教育程度普遍較低,但他們擁有良好的修養和非常豐富的經驗。研究所訪員的平均年資大約是5年。
With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.