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幾乎所有社會科學的調查,都會以百分比來表達結果。例如最近有媒體報導:「調查顯示,38% 中小企表示,營業信心受美國總統換屆影響,其中 62% 因為美國可能對進口商品徵收新關稅,59% 因為經濟環境改變。」
這個報導準確引述數字,但以科普教育來說,我們大可以討論一下百分比基數的問題。數據顯示,38% 中小企當中的 62% 擔心美國新關稅,其實只佔受訪中小企的 24%。同樣,因為經濟環境改變而影響信心者,其實只是 38% 當中的 59% ,即 22%。雖然數字的確反映兩個因素同屬重要,但只要留意每個數字的基數,便會發現這些擔心未必屬於「主流意見」。
Editor’s Note: Due to various technical reasons, HKPORI has suspended all self-financed research activities. However, our effort to promote popular science launched last year will continue. We will use sharp plain languages to help readers grasp the skills of reading figures, and publish these short articles from time to time.
[Polling 101] Percentages Are Not Easy to Use?
In almost all social science surveys, the results are expressed in percentages. For example, a recent media report says, “The survey shows that 38% of SMEs said their business confidence was affected by the change of the U.S. President, of which 62% were due to the possibility of the U.S. imposing new tariffs on imports, and 59% were due to changes in the economic environment.”
This report is accurate in citing figures, but for the purpose of popular science education, we can discuss the issue of percentage base. The figures show that 62% among the 38% of SMEs are worried about new U.S. tariffs, which is actually only 24% of the SMEs surveyed. Similarly, those whose confidence has been affected by changes in the economic environment only accounted for 59% of the 38%, that is, 22%. While the figures do reflect that both factors are important, if one pays attention to the base of each figure, one will realize that these concerns may not necessarily be the “mainstream view”.
Therefore, the following description may be more desirable: “The survey shows that more than one-third of SMEs said their business confidence has been affected by the change of U.S. President, especially the possibility of new tariffs on imports from the U.S., as well as the change in the economic environment, each accounting for one-fifth of the SMEs interviewed.”
Today, let us delve into some of the activities of Deng Xiaoping (鄧小平), the architect of the “One Country, Two Systems” (一國兩制) principle, during his time in Hong Kong. Why address this topic? It’s because, after reviewing early “HKPORI” (Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute) data and related statistics, I discovered that while Deng Xiaoping passed away many years ago, he remained a well-known and frequently mentioned figure in Hong Kong for a significant period after his death. Generally, when people pass away, their influence fades, swept away by the tides of time. So, why does Deng Xiaoping still hold such appeal? How many modern Chinese political figures leave a lasting impression on the public after stepping down? In recent years, perhaps only former Premier Zhu Rongji (朱鎔基) has achieved similar recognition (as reflected in HKPORI data). Will there be others in the future? It’s hard to say. Thus, Deng Xiaoping was the first person that came to mind when considering this “musical chair of numbers”.
When Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, many regretted that Deng Xiaoping was unable to witness the formal implementation of his “One Country, Two Systems” design (he passed away in February 1997). Instead, his widow, Zhuo Lin (卓琳), served as his stand-in for the historic occasion. However, during his lifetime, Deng Xiaoping passed through Hong Kong five times. Sometimes, it was a quick transit, while on other occasions, he had specific missions to accomplish. Notably, all five visits occurred before the founding of the People’s Republic of China; there is no record of him returning to Hong Kong after that.
Deng Xiaoping’s first journey through Hong Kong occurred on 11th September 1920. At the time, he was just 16 years old, a robust young man, fresh from completing a year-long “Work-Study Preparation Class” in mainland China. Together with nearly a hundred other young people, he set sail from Shanghai, passing through Hong Kong en route to France. Among those who later travelled to France for work-study programmes were other future Chinese Communist Party leaders, such as Zhou Enlai (周恩來) and Chen Yi (陳毅). They all shared a common goal: to learn from the advanced practices of foreign nations and return home to “drive out all harmful pests... revolution without rest... crush the old world entirely, and ensure the revolutionary cause endures for generations” (lyrics from later Communist Party revolutionary songs).
Between June and August 1921, students such as Chen Yi staged protests at the Chinese Legation in France, assaulting Secretary Wang Zengsi (王曾思) and occupying the Sino-French University in Lyon. Following the failure of these actions, Chen Yi was escorted back to China under armed guard. These events were later praised by the Chinese Communist Party, albeit with differing language and interpretations.
Oh, and one more thing worth mentioning: during his time in France, Zhou Enlai met and had in-depth discussions on national salvation with Li Yanhe (李彥和), the father of Martin Lee Chu-ming (李柱銘) (later labelled as “anti-China and disruptive to Hong Kong”). But that’s another story, to be discussed at a later time.
Reflecting on Deng Xiaoping’s first passage through Hong Kong, the trip was unremarkable, akin to how Chinese students today might transit through Hong Kong on their way to study abroad. However, back then, many Chinese students returned home to contribute and develop the country after completing their studies. Today, Chinese students tend to pursue their own paths abroad, spreading far and wide. Is this something to celebrate, or lament? I cannot judge, but it seems clear that Chinese people now enjoy greater freedom of choice.
Deng Xiaoping’s second visit to Hong Kong, however, was tied to a special mission. To provide context, let us revisit 1927, when the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee moved from Wuhan to Shanghai and decided to launch large-scale armed uprisings. From the perspective of the ruling Nationalist Government at the time, these individuals were “instigators of chaos and rebellion,” akin to how Beijing today accuses some of “creating chaos” in Hong Kong. The roles and nature of these events, of course, are subject to differing interpretations, and history will judge them.
By 1929, Deng Xiaoping had risen to become the Secretary-General of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. He suddenly received orders to go to Guangxi to organise comprehensive revolutionary efforts. His tasks included rebuilding and establishing Party organisations, networking with allies, and preparing for violent revolution. The subsequent “Baise Uprising” (百色起義), which Deng Xiaoping and fellow communists such as Zhang Yunyi (張雲逸) orchestrated in Guangxi, stands as a successful example of such efforts.
However, as a wanted fugitive of the Nationalist Government—and a particularly high-profile one—Deng Xiaoping had to keep his movements secret. What could be done? He sought help from Ho Chi Minh (胡志明), a future key figure in the founding of the Vietnamese Communist Party, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and the Vietnamese People’s Army. The two had already met in France.
At the time, Ho Chi Minh was engaged in underground work in Shanghai, preparing for future uprisings in Vietnam. He knew it was unsafe for Deng Xiaoping to travel to Guangxi by land, so he suggested taking a sea route instead. Ho Chi Minh arranged for Deng to travel from Shanghai to Hong Kong, then by ship to Vietnam, and finally across the Sino-Vietnamese border into Guangxi—a long detour, but one that demonstrated Hong Kong’s strategic importance as a transit hub. Deng Xiaoping adopted the alias “Deng Bin” and posed as a businessman while in Hong Kong, successfully evading the notice of the Nationalist Government.
At that time, many Communist Party members were already in Hong Kong, including Southern Secretary He Chang (賀昌) and his wife Huang Mulan (黃慕蘭), as well as Guangdong Provincial Committee Military Secretary Nie Rongzhen (聶榮臻) and his wife Zhang Ruihua (張瑞華). They lived near Phoenix Terrace in Happy Valley. During this visit, Deng Xiaoping primarily focused on planning revolutionary activities in Guangxi. He stayed for only a few days and kept a low profile to avoid interference from the British Hong Kong authorities.
After arriving in Guangxi, Deng Xiaoping worked tirelessly to organise underground activities, preparing for armed uprisings in places like Baise and Longzhou. The work proceeded smoothly, and action could have been taken at any moment. However, for unknown reasons, the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee suddenly summoned him back to Shanghai. Thus, in January 1930, Deng Xiaoping passed through Hong Kong for the third time, this time in a hurry to return to Shanghai.
Deng Xiaoping’s second and third visits to Hong Kong were swift and purposeful. However, his fourth visit to Hong Kong was tied to an especially critical mission. Stay tuned for further details next week.
Johnny LAU
(The article was written in traditional Chinese and translated by AI tool.)
哈佛大學哲學教授丹妮爾·艾倫(Danielle Allen)就觀察到,在美國教育體系中,給予人文和社會研究的時間和資源不足。她一針見血地指出:「教育本身是民主的源動力——閱讀、寫作和合作是政治參與過程中不可缺少的基本工具。」
(原文為英文,由 AI 工具轉譯中文後經人手校對;文章標題及內文標題由香港民研編輯所擬)
Danielle Allen, What Is Education For? Boston Review, 26 April 2016.
Are surveys useful? About three-fifths of my students say their knowledge is derived not from asking what ordinary people think. A plurality of them conclude that public opinion doesn’t matter because the people are powerless and not listened to. Some students who believe that the ruling elites are better, if not the best, informed than anybody to make decisions for all, so it is ok for them to do the thinking for the people.
This does not surprise me. With perhaps the exception to the Liberal Studies curriculum with a strong focus on nurturing an open society for Hong Kong, which had been abolished, pre-tertiary educational experience had little to do with opinion surveys and survey methods. For the most part of it, students passed exams and braced themselves for many more ruthless assessments in History, Geography, Science, or Religious Studies which have no need to pay attention to what people think and why they think the way they do.
Moreover, students are under the impression that studying Individuals and Society is fraught with uncertainty that is originated from people who are subjective, biased, unreasonable, emotional, and by extension, hopelessly unreliable. There is a saying in Polish that “When 2 Poles meet, the result is 5 different opinions.” Moreover, the distribution of opinions does change from time to time. The possible combinations and trajectories are arguably infinite, and one must learn to make sense of all this. Trying to understand people’s attitudes and perceptions is like a wild goose chase, therefore many instinctively prefer some technologically oriented, vocational-experiential approaches to education.
Danielle Allen, a philosophy professor at Harvard University, has observed that the time and resources given to humanities and social studies are insufficient in the US education system. She has pithily argued that “education is a causal force behind democracy—reading, writing, and collaboration are the basic instruments of political action.”
Specifically, what would we get out of the investment in such soft skills for interaction and collaboration when we are increasingly enticed to embrace AI-driven, machine-assisted learning and decision-making? Is it not convenient for regions where democratic governance is either held at low esteem or has become “a no-go area” to dismiss Allen’s advice?
To my mind, there are 3 things at stake:
1) the cognitive ability, which is imperative for the formulation of one’s judgement,
2) we must keep learning to make better decisions for oneself and others concerned, and
3) we must learn how to appreciate disagreements about anything and everything.
I also agree with Allen that education is about empowering citizens to take part in public affairs and to learn to get along with one another notwithstanding the obvious differences in gender, race, social backgrounds, beliefs, values, and politics. It’s about nurturing and sustaining a civic, and civilized, culture.
We know first-hand the ruling elites who always think they know better, let’s try to look at any community of individuals, uniformity is exceptional; diversity is the norm. But even when monolithic depictions about any means or ends of the people concerned are too often deployed to confirm the former at the expense of the latter, we must be wary of the danger that more often than not, one-size-fit-all formulations about people, identity, or destiny are but unnatural simplifications that bear little resemblance of the real people.
Leaders who pretend to know better are just pretending. They are just mortals like the rest of us. Humans err. When leaders who wield enormous power and resources over us make mistakes, we all suffer, only that it’s already too late when we find out.
Kenneth CHAN Ka Lok
(Article titles and section headings were devised by HKPORI editors.)
Danielle Allen, What Is Education For? Boston Review, 26 April 2016.
1. 試提供至少一個專業調查及其得出的數據的例子。
2. 試提供至少一個非專業調查及其得出的數據的例子。
3. 如何區分專業調查與非專業調查?
4. 從世界民意研究協會(WAPOR)等專業和學術機構提供的行為準則、指引和報告中,你學到了什麼?
5. 就你而言,這些行為準則、指引和報告對你如何想像硏究有多大幫助?
6. 在你看來,人們通常對調查方法的「主觀期許」有哪些?
7. 在你看來,人們通常對調查方法的「錯誤認知」有哪些?
8. 作為一名大學生,在這階段的學習中你對調查方法和數據的態度變得「更正面 / 更負面 / 沒有改變」嗎?為什麼?
9. 在你的地方(如果不是香港,請在回答中注明),政治精英是否偶爾會密切關注專業機構 / 學術機構調查提供的數據?如果有,請至少舉一個例子來支持你的回答。
10. 基於你對上述問題的反思,試為香港能否自由地進行專業調查和發布數據的環境評分(1分為最不理想,10分為最理想),並分別為香港未來5年後和10年後的情況評分。
(本文原文為英文,由 AI 工具轉譯為中文並經人手校對)
Column name: Dialogues with Survey Data
Every day we are presented with survey results in news, advertisements, scholarly works. Many of us have been invited by service providers, schools, and even friends to participate in surveys. But what use can people make of surveys? Can surveys in general be trusted? Why are some surveys considered more trustworthy than others?
In education, we have been presented a table here or a chart there more too often. Admittedly, most of the time the materials in questions are used in class and reused by students in their papers and projects uncritically.
I have long been perplexed by how often when the word “research” is mentioned, students would think of “doing a survey” to gather data on whatever the topic of interest is. To find out more what students nowadays think about surveys and survey methods, I have invited them to consider the following issues in my Research Methods class:
1. Provide at least one example of professional survey and the resultant data.
2. Provide at least one example of unprofessional survey and the resultant data.
3. How can one separate the professional from the unprofessional
4. What have you learnt from the Code, Guidelines, and Reports provided by professional and scholarly bodies such as the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)?
5. How helpful are the Code, Guidelines, and Reports as far as you are concerned?
6. What, in your view, constitute our wishful thinking about survey methods?
7. What, in your view, constitute our wrongful thinking about survey methods?
8. As a university student, have you become more / less / unchanged in your attitudes towards survey methods and data? How? Please explain.
9. Do the political elites in (please name your country in your answer if not Hong Kong) occasionally pay close and keen attention to data provided by professional / academic surveys? Please provide at least one example to support your answer.
10. Based on your own reflections with respect to the questions above, please rate Hong Kong’s environment nowadays for the freedom to conduct professional surveys and publish data (1 being the least favourable, 10 being the most favourable) and rate the same for Hong Kong in 5 years’ time and in 10 years’ time.
Opinion polls and surveys are widely used in research and policymaking. As opinion polls and survey data often receive attention in the media, scholars, commentators, journalists, and policymakers, we the public need to be able to differentiate between professional and unprofessional polls. With reference to the professional standards and practices, how can one become more aware of the wishful and wrongful thinking about opinion polls and survey methods in Hong Kong and elsewhere?
Starting with this week’s bulletin, I undertake to review what I learnt from the students. I intend to reflect on where we can do better to enhance data literacy through education and by extension, empower citizens to learn how to verify before trust.
It goes without saying that the contents and the viewpoints expressed herein are mine and mine alone. I am solely responsible for the work done which does not represent the stance of any university or organization.
May I wish you a Great 2025!
Kenneth CHAN Ka Lok
Column name: Numbers’ Musical Chairs
Many people, myself included, find numbers dull and uninteresting. However, it turns out that numbers contain a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.
In recent years, I’ve spent more time looking at the surveys and statistics from the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI). At first glance, they do seem a bit tedious, but I later realised that HKPORI’s database is a treasure trove. It’s like a kaleidoscope: not only can it help us study real-world and historical issues, and use historical trajectories to find solutions to today’s problems, but it can also reveal and inspire countless real-life stories and valuable insights—if you know how to uncover them.
This major discovery sparked a quirky idea in my mind: to combine HKPORI’s numbers with the observations, experiences, and thoughts I’ve accumulated over more than fifty years as a journalist, and to tell some stories that people rarely hear (well, not stories—real events). You’ll be able to enjoy them in your own way and reflect on them in your own time. If you find it too intellectually taxing, just treat them as old anecdotes to relax and unwind.
So, subscribing to and supporting HKPORI isn’t something only professionals or intellectuals would think of, nor is it a sensitive issue. Ordinary people can also turn dry numbers into something delightful—like “musical chairs of numbers.” Sit down, enjoy the cycle of data, and you’ll discover that HKPORI reflects many fascinating numerical patterns and historical loops.
Johnny Lau
(The article was written in traditional Chinese and translated by AI tool.)
(Editor’s note: HKPORI held a press conference today to outline our development direction for the coming year and explain our decision of repositioning. The President and Chief Executive Officer, Robert Chung, authored this article to elaborate on the considerations behind the decision.)
Numerically, 2025 is a squarely neat number. It is the sum of 0+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 squared, and it is also the sum of the cubes of all these numbers. Incidentally, on 25 of January 2025, there will be a rare conjunction of six planets. These make me think: May be 2025 is a good year to retire.
I have just stepped down from my two-year presidency of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), so I have at least done something for Hong Kong and the world, maybe I can retire. But then I thought, “I have also promised to write a global textbook on public opinion research, seems that I cannot quit.
Looking back at Hong Kong, I have been working in the field of public opinion research for more than one-third of a century. I have witnessed a boom then a bust, and it is saddening to see the dissipation of talents. “Should I stay on?” Seems that it is not a question but an exclamation. When we left the university amidst social chaos, we had the support of countless citizens. Generosity brings responsibility.
Three years ago, I was advised to leave, and I could choose anywhere. I agreed, that everywhere can be my home. But as I said on the stage of “100% Hong Kong”, we have heavenly truth and universal love, so we do not just ask how things are, but also what we feel. I stayed.
I stayed not to fight, but to persevere. As a teenager, I was fascinated by astronomy, and I realized the persistence of the sages to the truth. The laws of the universe will not be changed by anyone. Geocentricity, heliocentrism, atheism, and all other theories may be restricted by the authorities at times, but the truth will never change. Mahatma Gandhi has taught us, “All through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall.”
Now that those who have gone have gone, those who stayed have stayed. Those not here should start building new homes, while those staying behind should live a new way of life without losing the basic principles. I once hoped that I could gaze the stars far away from civilization. Now, with the advancement of technology, I can see everything without leaving home. Under the boundless universe, humankind is so small. We must learn to be humble.
I hope this humble perseverance can move the world a bit, and make people’s voices heard. The Constitution of WAPOR starts with these words, “Public opinion is a critical force in shaping and transforming society. Properly conducted and disseminated survey research provides the public with a tool to measure opinions and attitudes in order to allow its voices to be heard.” After my two-year Presidency, I have managed to pin down three core values for WAPOR’s mission: Liberty, Quality and Humanity. Being the first Chinese President of WAPOR in nearly 80 years, I have tried my best to integrate our Hong Kong Spirit with the global development of WAPOR. I hope Hong Kong will continue to be connected with the world, and continues to be a cultural hub between the East and the West.
Over the past two years, I have been repeatedly asked by my international colleagues and how Hong Kong is doing. I usually say, “Still okay.” I actually mean to say that although Hong Kong has been moving backward, we are still functioning. If we look around, there are many places worse than Hong Kong. What is more, in order to avoid any conflict of interest, I would not initiate any discussion on Hong Kong’s problems from my leadership position. In case the is really that bad, I would either abstain myself from the discussion, or simply resign. None has happened. I have stepped down smoothly, and turned my attention to our local development.
At the beginning of this new year, our research team is getting ready for a new start. Perhaps not so much to actualize what we had envisaged 30 years ago, but to find a way to thank Hong Kong people for their unfailing support. We want to integrate HongKong with HumanKind, so that everybody benefits and everyone wins.
Robert Chung
2024年,是香港民研離開大學、獨立運作的第五年。這一年,我們在推進香港民調的發展之外,更決定重新定位香港民研,著力回應社會議題, 並嘗試進行民調相關的公眾教育。
► 專題研究:用數據切入社會議題
► 質性分析:解剖民意的複雜面向
今年1月,香港民研首次在網上意見群組調查加入開放式問題,了解市民支持/反對特首、對政府滿意/不滿意等的原因,然後透過「文字雲」(word cloud)的形式呈現答案中最常見的字眼。及至近期,香港民研就港府積極推動的盛事經濟,了解市民看法。開放式提問的答案顯示,市民對「夜繽紛」較有印象,但亦都有很多人表示對盛事沒有印象;而當市民描述印象時,最常見的字眼卻是「浪費」。
► 公眾教育:建構理性討論的基礎
► 網站重整:搭建民調知識的平台
► 二〇二五見
2024 marks the fifth year since HKPORI became independent from the university. This year, beyond advancing public opinion research in Hong Kong, we decided to reposition ourselves, focusing on addressing social issues and developing public education related to opinion polling.
► Topical Studies: Using Data to Address Social Issues
In 2024, HKPORI conducted four topical studies, covering waste charging, fertility intentions, carer support policies, and subdivided units regulations. These studies, initiated by HKPORI, aimed to address ongoing societal discussions.
Our October study on fertility intentions was the first topical project following our repositioning. By examining Hongkongers’ considerations regarding childbirth, we sought to broaden the discussion to include social culture, housing issues, and the education system, all based on empirical data.
In April, our poll on waste charging revealed that public opposition was mainly due to the policy’s implementation timeline. Deliberative polling further suggested that after rational discussion, more citizens supported the concept of waste charging. Therefore, the policy’s failure should not be attributed to public rejection of the idea itself.
In November, we conducted another deliberative poll on carer support policies. The results indicated that after understanding the policies and carers’ experiences, more citizens found the current policies ineffective in assisting carers. Using polling data, HKPORI estimated the carer population in Hong Kong, sparking public discourse on the definition of carer.
In December, in response to the government’s proposed “basic housing units” policy, we launched a poll on subdivided units regulations. The data is currently being analysed, and we look forward to sharing the results soon.
► Qualitative Analysis: Unpacking the Complexity of Public Opinion
In January, for the first time, HKPORI introduced open-ended questions in our online panel survey. These questions explored the reasons behind citizens’ support or opposition to the Chief Executive, as well as their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the government. The answers were visualised using word clouds to highlight the most frequently mentioned terms.
More recently, HKPORI examined public views on the government’s push for the “mega events economy”. Open-ended responses revealed that while citizens were most familiar with the “Night Vibes” initiative, many also expressed having no impression of the events. Among those who described their impressions, the most common term was “waste”.
Throughout the year, researchers actively conducted qualitative analyses of open-ended responses. Respondents often disclosed personal circumstances in their answers, with some providing detailed replies. These insights enriched the context of quantitative survey results, reminding us that public opinion should not be flattened.
► Public Education: Building the Foundation for Rational Discussion
The US presidential election in November once again brought election polling into the spotlight. After pollsters underestimated Trump’s performance in the last two elections, they made technical adjustments. This year’s final polls showed a close race between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris, but Trump ultimately won by a landslide. This reignited debates about the accuracy of polling.
More importantly, it raised questions about how we should interpret polling data and evaluate its credibility. Taking this opportunity, HKPORI published two “popular science” articles, using plain language to introduce polling knowledge and international perspectives into public discussions. Looking ahead, we will actively promote polling literacy and welcome suggestions from the public on future topics.
► Website Revamp: Building a Platform for Polling Knowledge
Over the past few months, HKPORI has been revamping our website to facilitate data downloads, making polling results more accessible to the public. Additionally, the revamped website supports our public education efforts and will feature guest columns for more open discussions.
The platform includes a members-only section, offering content such as polling knowledge, data analysis, and commentary videos. The new website has officially entered its public testing phase and will be fully launched in January 2025.
► See You in 2025
Over the past year, HKPORI has made significant efforts and even changes in response to Hong Kong’s evolving society. Despite the shrinking resources, we chose to continue conducting self-funded polls on a limited basis, striving to highlight the social value of polling.
In 2024, what may have changed are the frequency and formats of our polls. What remained unchanged is our belief in the value of polling. We hope you will continue to support HKPORI in 2025.
When sharing article, please indicate the source as “Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute”
世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)每年舉辦周年大會,數以百計來自不同國家的民意研究學者,聚焦探討民意研究的國際發展。香港民研主席及行政總裁鍾庭耀,今年除了作為 WAPOR 會長出席這個年度盛事,更是作為香港人參與其中。他坦言,在七月出席會議期間,來自其他地方的同業會私下問到:香港還有空間做民調嗎?
► 國際社會看見的香港
香港在 2012 年曾經主辦 WAPOR 年會,是首個位處亞洲的年會東道主。12 年過去,鍾庭耀前往首爾出席第 77 屆 WAPOR 年會,他自身的遭遇以至香港的現況,成為了各地民意研究者關心的部分。
鍾庭耀綜合四日會期的觀察說:「12 年前來過香港的,會想現在再來香港會否有些不一樣了?自由空間收窄了?現在才認識香港的,從媒體報導見到很多東西都退步了,但他們心情上是半信半疑。」
► 香港之於國際社會
作為在國際組織出任要職的香港人,比起述說「香港」,鍾庭耀更希望的是透過行事方式展現香港人特質。他上任會長逾一年半,積極推動民意研究的國際發展,勤力程度嚇壞了 WAPOR 的同事,但見到會員人數屢創新高、機構受國際社會認可,同事也開始適應這種工作節奏。
► 科學家的信仰
從事民意研究接近 40 年,鍾庭耀總結民意研究的核心價值,認為最重要的是 humanity(人文精神),強調民意研究的服務對象是 humankind(人類)。回顧過去推進香港、WAPOR 以至人類歷史發展的工作,他發現自己熱切盼望著一個跨越國界的世界,儘管那在旁人看來近乎信仰。
The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) holds a conference annually, gathering hundreds of public opinion researchers from different countries to focus on the international development of public opinion research.This year, President and CEO of HKPORI Robert Chung attended the event both as the President of WAPOR and as a HongKonger. He admitted that during the conference in July, researchers from other places often asked him privately: Is there still space for polling in Hong Kong?
► Hong Kong in the Eyes of the International Community
In 2012, Hong Kong hosted the WAPOR annual conference, the first in Asia. Twelve years later, Chung attended the 77th WAPOR annual conference in Seoul. His personal experiences and the current situation in Hong Kong became areas of interest for researchers worldwide.
Chung observed over the four-day event, “Those who visited Hong Kong 12 years ago might wonder if Hong Kong is different now. Has freedom narrowed? Those who know Hong Kong recently just now have read negative media reports, but they are not too sure.”
Chung responds positively to such concerns, describing polling in Hong Kong as still free, though he acknowledges the city’s vitality and economy have declined. Regarding restrictions in polling, certain topics may touch the “red line,” which is already obvious in the media reports.
► Hong Kong’s Role in the International Community
As a HongKonger in an influential international position, Chung aims to showcase the qualities of Hong Kong people through his actions rather than just explanation. Over his year and a half as the President, he has actively promoted the international development of public opinion research. His diligence astonished WAPOR colleagues, but the growing membership and recognition by the international community have helped them adapt to this work pace.
“Hong Kong’s past international experience and our educational background contribute significantly to the international community,” Chung said, it is the message he hopes to convey. Hong Kong’s strength lies in its global perspective, and universal values should be the city’s guiding principles; only then will Hong Kong remain a part of the world.
► A Scientist’s Belief
With nearly 40 years in public opinion research, Chung concludes that the core value of this field is humanity, emphasising that public opinion research serves humankind. Reflecting on his efforts to advance the development of Hong Kong, WAPOR, and even human history, he found himself eagerly looking forward to a world that transcends borders, though it may seem more like a faith to many others.
(HKPORI’s Editorial)
When sharing article, please indicate the source as “Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute”
香港民研主席及行政總裁鍾庭耀,同時出任世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)會長。他在本年度的WAPOR周年大會主持最後一天的圓桌會議,探討民意研究如何盛載人文精神,是三個主題活動(Keynote Events)之一。
今屆周年大會的主題——民意研究的靈魂:自由權利(liberty)、專業素養(quality)、人文精神(humanity),延續鍾庭耀兩年前在WAPOR第75屆周年大會上的講辭。「75周年,是時候做一個歷史總結。我個人覺得,民意研究有三個核心價值:liberty、 quality、humanity,最核心的是humanity。」鍾庭耀說。
► 發布民調的自由 聲音被聽見的權利
► 民意研究的人文精神 民意研究者的夙願
Robert Chung, President and CEO of HKPORI, also serves as President of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). He chaired the final day’s roundtable discussion at this year’s WAPOR annual conference, exploring how public opinion research embodies humanistic values. It was one of the three keynote events of the conference.
The theme of this year’s conference—The Soul of Public Opinion Research: Liberty, Quality, Humanity—builds on Chung’s speech at WAPOR’s 75th Annual Conference two years ago. “Seventy-five years on, it’s time for a historical review. Personally, I believe public opinion research has three core values: liberty, quality, humanity, with humanity being the most critical,” Chung remarked.
► Freedom to Publish Polls, The Right to Be Heard
At the conference, a keynote speaker addressed the topic of liberty, discussing why and how the freedom to conduct and publish polls should be protected. The speaker pointed out that the role of polls is to ensure people’s voices are heard. Since 1984, WAPOR has been issuing the “Freedom Report,” examining the degree of freedom in conducting and publishing polls worldwide. The 2023 survey found that 36% of countries have government bodies regulating election polls, compared to 30% regulated by professional organisations, and the situation was more pronounced in Africa and Latin America.
Another keynote speaker talked about “quality,” concentrating on the technical aspects of public opinion polling. The speaker emphasised the importance of high-quality polls in measuring true values, noting that quality measures should be accurate, reliable, and valid, allowing for international comparisons.
►The Humanistic Spirit of Public Opinion Research: The Aspiration of Researchers
On the final day of the four-day conference, Chung led a roundtable discussion. He stated, “If Liberty reminds us of all people’s right to be heard, and Quality urges all of us to adopt the highest standards when serving the people, then Humanity must have provided us with the ultimate purpose for upholding Liberty and Quality.” They discussed how opinion research could alleviate human conflict, the relationship between data collection and archiving with humanistic values, and how performing arts might integrate with public opinion research.
Chung believes that the humanistic spirit is the core of public opinion research. Regarding why he emphasises humanity, he shared a reason not explained in WAPOR: “As a HongKonger participating in WAPOR’s work for over 20 years, now as President, coinciding with Hong Kong’s declining trajectory of freedom… I feel the way forward for the people and culture of Hong Kong people is to maintain our international outlook.” As a public opinion researcher rooted in Hong Kong, he hopes to work together with international researchers to serve humankind.
(HKPORI’s Editorial)
When sharing article, please indicate the source as “Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute”
► 歷史的開端:1991年已有輿論壓力
香港首個學術民意研究機構成立於1991年6月—— 香港大學民意研究計劃(港大民研),由鍾庭耀擔任研究主任。同年,港英政府舉行首次地區直選立法局選舉,民意調查由此進場。鍾庭耀憶述:「當時已經有輿論,懷疑民意調查是為政黨造勢。」民調顯示民主派候選人領先,而9月份選舉結果揭盅,民主派贏得差不多所有直選議席。民意調查作為一種科學工具,開始被公眾看見;同時,民意調查開始被政府重視。這是香港民調發展的開端。
當年,史丹福大學與香港大學合作, 為港澳民意研究者提供工作坊,澳門最終於2011年就修改《出版法》和《視聽廣播法》進行慎思民調,澳方稱為商議式民調,結果決定暫緩廣播法立法。然而,不能忽視的是民調過程中派發的平衡簡介資料,到底是否有助公眾公平地理解法案,也曾受到質疑。至於香港,由於未曾出現過慎思民調,方法學的討論也無從談起。
► 歷史的走向
The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) held its annual conference in Seoul last month. Twelve years ago, Hong Kong was the first Asian host, marking a significant milestone due to its unique international status. More importantly, it was a recognition of the historical depth and research development of public opinion research in Hong Kong.
► The Beginning: Pressure Built up on Day One in 1991
Hong Kong’s first academic public opinion research institution, the Public Opinion Programme at The University of Hong Kong (HKUPOP), was established in June 1991, led by Robert Chung. That same year, the British Hong Kong government held its first direct elections for the Legislative Council. Public opinion polls began then. Chung recalls, “There were already people saying that opinion polling was part of election engineering.” The polls showed democrats leading, and they won almost all the direct-elected seats in September. Public opinion polls, as a scientific tool, gained visibility and caught the government’s attention. This marked the start of Hong Kong’s polling development.
By 2000, during the “HKU Polling Incident,” polls were deeply embroiled in political controversy. Following the incident, HKU’s Council formed an independent committee which confirmed that government pressure on HKUPOP constituted an infringement on academic freedom. HKUPOP’s work continued. Polls continued to reflect social conditions, with polling institutions mirroring another side of societal reality. In July 2019, HKUPOP spun off from HKU with Robert Chung’s retirement, forming today’s Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI).
► A Historical Regret: Unfulfilled Deliberative Polling
Robert Chung reflects on the development of Hong Kong’s polling and the unfulfilled dream of Deliberative Polling. Proposed by a Stanford professor, this method involves randomly sampled citizens receiving balanced briefing materials and engaging in discussions with experts or political leaders held by neutral moderators, directly influencing government policies.
Stanford worked with HKU to provide workshops for Hong Kong and Macau researchers. In 2011, Macau conducted deliberative polling on amendments to the Publishing Law and Broadcasting Law, resulting in delaying the latter. However, the fairness of the balanced materials provided was questioned. In Hong Kong, deliberative polling never happened, leaving methodological discussions unexplored.
► History in the Future
Over the past 30 years, Hong Kong’s public opinion research has faced many challenges, with more expected in the future. Yet, internationally, Hong Kong scholars hold positions in WAPOR, present research on Hong Kong polls at annual conferences, and push forward cutting-edge research methods. The future remains promising.
(HKPORI’s Editorial)
When sharing article, please indicate the source as “Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute”
世界民意研究學會(學會)上月底在韓國首爾結束第77屆周年大會。成立於二戰後的學會,迄今走過了四分三個世紀,今年的主題回歸民意研究的本質:Liberty(自由權利)、Quality(專業素養)及 Humanity(人文精神)。會議上,來自世界各地的幾百位民意研究者聚首討論民意調查現今的角色與作用,以及如何利用創新的方法,分析解讀民調,讓人們的聲音被聽見(let people’s voice be heard)。
► 香港與盛事的距離
► 香港在世界的角色 民調在世界的作用
現任學會會長鍾庭耀則在會期最後一天主持圓桌會議,關注民意研究如何盛載人文精神。席間還有創作劇場表演「100%香港」的德國和香港藝術家,講述「100% City」的概念,如何將民調搬到舞台,將數字還原為生命。鍾庭耀最後總結,指出民意研究無非是為人類(humankind)服務。
At the end of last month, the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) concluded its 77th annual conference in Seoul, South Korea. Founded after World War II, the association has been in existence for three quarters of a century. This year’s theme returned to the essence of public opinion research: Liberty, Quality, and Humanity. Hundreds of public opinion researchers from around the world gathered to discuss the current role and impact of opinion polls and how to use innovative methods to interpret them, to let people’s voices be heard.
► The Distance Between Hong Kong and Mega Events
Such mega events have also taken place in Hong Kong. In 2012, when the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) was still part of The University of Hong Kong, WAPOR held its 65th annual conference there, marking its first outside Europe and America. Robert Chung, then Director of the HKU Public Opinion Programme, recalls that the decision to choose Hong Kong followed years of internal discussion, marking a significant step in developing public opinion research in Asia. He described it as a historic breakthrough for WAPOR and Hong Kong, showcasing the city’s uniqueness as an international metropolis through language, transport, and cuisine.
12 years have gone by, can Hong Kong host the annual conference again? Chung, now President and CEO of HKPORI, ponders this. He believes Hong Kong’s freedom has shrunk compared to 12 years ago, leading to government “advice” when touching on certain topics. However, there’s still space for public opinion polls to exist. For instance, publication of election polls are not restricted, and exit polls can still be conducted upon proper application. As a matter of fact, WAPOR held its annual conference in Dubai two years ago, focused on examining the post-war development of public opinion research. Chung, then Vice President of WAPOR, said WAPOR has also considered the local government’s level of openness when it chose Dubai as the conference location.
► Hong Kong’s Role in the World, The Role of Polls Globally
At this year’s conference in Seoul, Hong Kong’s public opinion research was still present. Among the many presentation sessions, scholars from Hong Kong and other countries studied together the elections in Hong Kong, France, Qatar, Kuwait, India, and Mexico, exploring factors influencing voter behaviour.
Chung, now WAPOR president, chaired a roundtable on the last day, focusing on how public opinion research embodies humanity. The session invited German and Hong Kong artists who created the theatre production “100% Hong Kong”, presented the concept of “100% City”, and how they bring polls to the stage and transform numbers into life. Chung concluded by stating that public opinion research ultimately serves humankind.
Upholding the core values of public opinion research is increasingly important amid the complex political situations and rapid technological advancements. Researchers believe that by letting people’s voices be heard, public opinion research can help resolve conflicts. Founded in 1947, WAPOR is one of many international organisations established after World War II, embodying the human spirit throughout history in the quest to prevent future conflicts.
When sharing article, please indicate the source as “Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute”
在尋找自我的過程中,我總結出民研學會的三個核心價值,就是自由、素質和人性。 我在杜拜這樣解釋:自由是要讓人民的聲音得到聆聽,是就人民的想法進行和發表科學研究的權利。素質就是科學方法的應用,專業標準的發展,和讓不同界別的代表和專家發展 有關技術。人性,就是用來指導我們如何運用知識來減輕災害和衝突,以達致人類的最高共同利益。推動人性,應該是我們的最終目標。我認為這三個核心價值對我們整個民研群體,不論是在「中央」、「地區」、還是 「個人」層面都同樣重要。
……thank you fellow members for electing me to this position two years ago! I will do my best to fulfil my duties, but I will need help from every one of you!
Taking up this position is a real challenge! The whole world is facing unprecedented problems on all fronts. To us in WAPOR, our primary concern shall remain to be professional integrity and quality for the wellbeing of humankind.
In our 75th Anniversary Conference in Dubai, we had the precious opportunity of reviewing our own history, and then ventured into the next 75 years and beyond. Knowledge growth is not linear, so let us aim at achieving more in the next 25 years compared to what we have already achieved over the past 75 years!
In my own soul-searching exercise, I have concluded that there are three core values for WAPOR, namely, Liberty, Quality and Humanity. I explained them in Dubai: Liberty is the right to let people’s voice be heard, it is the right to conduct and publish scientific research on what people think. Quality is the application of scientific methods, the development of professional standards, research techniques among professionals and representatives across different disciplines. Humanity guides us to apply our knowledge to mitigate disasters and conflicts, to promote the common good of humankind. Enhancing Humanity should be our ultimate goal. I consider these three core values to be equally important to our entire WAPOR community, whether at the “central”, “regional” or “individual” level.
In the two years ahead of me, I shall be the number one servant of the WAPOR community. I now appeal to each and every one of you for your continued support of me and WAPOR, so that we can work together to serve humankind based on the core values we believe in.
WAPOR shall not be an organization limited by boundaries, whether geographical, ethnical, cultural, or epistemological. Over the past 75 years, we have developed very successfully in areas of conceptual, methodological, professional, and cross-cultural studies. We shall treasure our achievements, but we shall also break new ground, like the application of advanced technologies, the breaking of barriers between different sciences, and even the integration of science and art. In terms of organization, we shall work closely with our sister organizations around the world, our own regional chapters and country representatives who will be our link with the general membership. We shall promote diversification and bottom-up initiatives in different areas and domains of WAPOR development, rather than homogeneity and top-down directives.
Our common mission, after all, is to let the voice of the people be heard. For this purpose, people should not be divided, and we ourselves should not be divided. I personally look forward to seeing a borderless world united by a common humanity, one day, and I will use the next 100 days to be a period of intensive consultation and consolidation. Let us work together for a better world!
Link: https://wapor.org/letter-from-two-wapor-presidents-january-2023/
香港民研也是一樣。條件未成熟,風險未解除,我們也無需急於為任何研究下定論。 我們會盡量保存數據,猶如科學家保存DNA一樣,為未來的科學研究打好基礎。
Mao Zedong’s merits and demerits were split 70-30, according to Deng Xiaoping in 1980. Deng Xiaoping’s own split was also 70-30, according to surveys conducted by the POP Team in February 1997. We do not have any data on Jiang Zemin.
In February 1997, the POP Team summarized Hong Kong people’s appraisal of the merits and faults of modern Chinese leaders, including Deng Xiaoping, Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai Shek, with figures obtained in 1995, 1996 and 1997. Now we don’t have any. Is it a loss? We leave it to the historians.
Do we need these conclusions? This is a question for historians, but for the basis of such conclusions, opinion researchers may be able to help. However, history is constantly being rewritten, and public opinion is always on the change, so the questions of when is the best time and what is the best conclusion cannot be easily answered.
China’s first emperor has died for more than 2,000 years, the appraisal of his rule is still inconclusive. Scientists recently announced that DNA samples collected from Greenland permafrost can be traced back to 2 million years ago. They had the samples 16 years ago, but could only wait until now for technology to advance.
The same is true for our team. The conditions are not yet mature and the risk is not yet released, there is no rush to conclude any research. We will preserve the data as much as we can, just like scientists preserving their DNA samples, in order to facilitate future research.
From the Editor: After HKPORI released its “Statement on the Future Development of HKPORI” on February 13, 2025, it has received a large number of media enquiries. Before answering each of them, HKPORI alerted the media of its general practice since April 2022, that it might share all such enquiries at its website for the purpose of transparency and civic education. The questions and answers edited and published are based on this understanding.
Questions (simplified and sub-edited):
Q1: Are the decisions of HKPORI’s latest development related to the recent national security investigations concerning Dr Robert Chung and HKPORI?
A1: HKPORI has been using a basket of 6 factors to evaluate our operation and prospective development, namely, expressed interest in society, research value, cost-effectiveness, HKPORI Members’ opinion, historical value, and legal risk. The recent national security investigation definitely played a very important factor in our latest development, as it made legal risk and cost-effectiveness become significantly more important. The latter factor includes the re-deployment of manpower and the replacement of all computer servers and electronic devices seized by the Police.
A2: Regarding commissioned research projects, will the Institute start/discuss new projects with clients?
Q2: As long as a project complies with the law, meets the professional standards, passes through our ethical and risk assessments, we will continue to serve the society in the most professional and scientific way.
A3: Regarding the membership of HKPORI, what is the current membership size? Will HKPORI stop charging monthly membership fee?
Q3: HKPORI currently has about 150 members. Since we continue to operate, our membership system and benefits remain unchanged.
A1:鍾劍華博士於 2020 年 5 月 1 日至 2022 年 4 月 30 日期間,受聘為香港民意研究所副行政總裁。合約期滿後,鍾劍華離開香港民研。香港民研主席及行政總裁鍾庭耀表示,鍾劍華與研究所之間已經沒有任何關係,亦很久沒有聯絡。作為他的朋友和舊同事,鍾庭耀對他在香港社會政策研究方面的貢獻,仍然心存感激。
鍾庭耀在 2022 年 4 月 26 日關於鍾劍華離職的聲明指:「民研主席及行政總裁鍾庭耀在此感謝鍾劍華對研究所的貢獻,兼且感謝社會各界對研究所未來發展的關注。鍾庭耀謹此公告:香港民研運作一切正常,繼續奉公守法。遇上任何執法部門提問或查詢,民研都會盡量配合。」聲明至今仍然適用。
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: What is Dr Chung Kim-wah’s current relationship with HKPORI?
A1: Dr Chung Kim-wah was employed as the Deputy CEO of HKPORI from 1 May 2020 to 30 April 2022. Upon the expiry of his contract, Dr KW Chung left HKPORI. President and CEO of HKPORI, Dr Robert Chung, stated that there is no longer any relationship between Dr KW Chung and the Institute, and the two of them have not been in contact for a long time. As a friend and former colleague, Robert Chung remains grateful for KW Chung’s contributions to social policy research in Hong Kong.
In the statement dated 26 April 2022 regarding Dr Chung’s departure, Robert Chung said: “The President and Chief Executive Officer of HKPORI Robert Chung would like to thank Chung Kim-wah for his contributions to the Institute, he also thanks the public for caring so much about its development. Robert Chung announces that HKPORI is operating normally, and continues to comply with the law. HKPORI will cooperate with all law enforcement units as much as possible in case they conduct any investigation.” This statement remains valid today.
Q2: Has the police’s National Security Department (NSD) taken any action against HKPORI?
A2: NSD has not conducted any search or made any contact with HKPORI. Robert Chung believes the charges against Dr Chung Kim-wah by NSD are unrelated to the Institute.
Q3: What impact has the warrant for Dr Chung Kim-wah had on HKPORI’s operations?
A3: Robert Chung emphasised that the Institute’s research work has not been affected by the incident at all. He also noted that legal risk is only one of the six factors affecting the direction of HKPORI’s research, it is not the most important factor.
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: Has HKPORI received overseas fund or donation in the past or now for operating expenses? Will HKPORI avoid receiving overseas fund or donation after the Article 23 legislation?
Q2: Has HKPORI cooperated with foreign or international organizations in the past or now? Will HKPORI avoid cooperating with foreign or international organizations after the Article 23 legislation?
Q3: Regarding the government’s proposal on introducing a crime under external interference, will HKPORI worry that its research projects and survey items will be accused of violating relevant laws?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: HKPORI has never received any overseas political donation, so we are unlikely to be affected by the Article 23 legislation. When the research team worked in The University of Hong Kong, we strictly followed the financial and administrative regulations of the University, while keeping all operations open and transparent to the public. Whenever we work with foreign organizations, we always explain them clearly in our research reports. We will not change this practice.
A2: HKPORI has always complied with the law in the most responsible way. All our international projects have been conducted within the legal framework, and this practice will remain unchanged. We believe that Hong Kong should maintain and even strengthen its international status, because this is the best way to serve our society, our country, our race and the world. The hardship we are facing has stemmed from a variety of historical, cultural, political and societal reasons, and they will change. It we cut our connection with the world, the transition from stability to prosperity (由治及興) will be hard to come by.
A3: HKPORI will act most prudently to avoid violating the law. We will carefully review all relevant court cases and expert opinions, and avoid hitting the red lines by establishing more internal rules and management checks. We wish government departments and legal experts would establish free and credible consultation services to provide people with reliable legal advice. We are even more eager to see the government collect and collate public opinion in a scientific way, in order to under people’s real concern and truthful opinion.
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Pew Research Center published a survey on Hong Kong people’s ethnic identity on December 4, 2023 as a part of its Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project, which analyses religious change and its impact on societies around the world. The Center surveyed 2,012 adults in Hong Kong over the phone from June to September 2023.
Q1: How does HKPORI feel when other organizations took over ethnic identity surveys of Hong Kong people, and how would HKPORI analyse the findings?
Q2: Has Pew Research Center collaborated with HKPORI in this survey?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: HKPORI welcomes all professional organizations, local or non-local, to conduct any opinion research in Hong Kong. The more scientific data we have, the better. HKPORI is still conducting ethnic identity surveys regularly on a half-yearly basis, only that we no longer provide free findings or data on this topic beginning this year. Any serious researcher can still download all findings (some free some at cost) from our “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” to compare our findings with those of Pew Research Center. We noticed that Pew has used some different questions to measure ethnic identity, so even though their findings can contribute a lot to the study on an international level, it cannot replace our previous Hong Kong findings on this topic accumulated in a systematic way since 1997. It is a pity that Hong Kong society is moving backward in terms of free and professional opinion research. We could have been a world leader in this area. The public can access to previous ethnic identity findings before July 2023 on pori.hk. For the latest ones conducted after July 2023, they are available at cost on our “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System”.
A2: HKPORI did not participate in this study. Yet, both organizations know each other well. Dr Robert Chung, President and CEO of HKPORI, is the President of WAPOR (World Association for Public Opinion Research), and he is actively promoting the global development of free and professional opinion research. HKPORI sees no problem in cooperating with these organizations around the world.
Q1:民研提及「回歸系列、身分認同、兩岸問題、世界視野、六四事件、議員評分、部隊民望和部份社會指標等」, 它們是被取消還是不作公開發表?
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: PORI mentioned “handover series, ethnic identity, cross-strait issues, global awareness, June Fourth Incident, Councillor ratings, disciplinary forces, and some social indicators”, will they be canceled or moved to private domain?
Q2: Among the remaining indicators that are not affected, will the popularity of the CE, the Secretaries of Departments and the government, the Policy Address and the Budget responses continue to be released regularly? Will there be any change in the frequency of releasing the popularity ratings of CE and the government?
Q3: What are the main reasons for PORI to cancel or no longer release some survey series?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: We intend to turn all questions mentioned into internal reference, academic research, and commissioned services, but the number of questions for each topic may also be trimmed.
A2: We tentatively decide to continue conducting the series mentioned and release them to the public but their frequencies are yet to be decided.
A3: Every year from May to July, we review and brainstorm our future development. This year is no exception. We take into consideration a variety of factors in one bundle, including the demand for opinion data, the historical development of Hong Kong society, the role of HKPORI in promoting science and democracy, as well as all other risk assessments.
A1:該部門認為以「政府部門 」的名義即可,傳媒及公眾可自行查詢。
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: Which government department(s) contacted HKPORI?
Q2: What suggestions have they made about the release of the survey report?
Q3: Is the “risk assessment” related to the National Security Law or the Sedition Law?
Q4: Will HKPORI consider releasing the survey report some other time? Will HKPORI continue to conduct the survey on June 4th anniversary next year?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: The department considers it sufficient to be named as a “government department”, media or the public can make their own enquiry.
A2: They advised us not to release the survey report in view of their risk assessment.
A3: We were not told, and we did not ask. We respect their assessment, although we may not necessarily agree with their assessment should we have known the details.
A4: We were already in the process of reviewing our operation after July 1 this year, when this risk assessment came. We may continue to conduct some of our tracking surveys, and/or keep some of them for academic or private reference only, and/or stop some of the surveys. We have not yet decided where to put the June 4th anniversary survey, so we have not yet decided how to handle this year’s survey report.
A1:在使用抽取次樣本(subsampling)方式處理一條問題時,我們通常會設定抽取機率為0.5或0.6,讓系統隨機抽取該比例的受訪者回答該問題。做法可縮短問卷的實際長度,避免受訪者回應疲勞(respondent fatigue),並減低因受訪者拒絕回應所造成的統計偏差(non-response bias)。
Questions (abstracted and sub-edited)
Q1: How are subsamples determined and why is it necessary?
Q2: Why are there so many cases with missing data (“NA”s) within variables? Does it mean that the respondents were not asked the question?
Q3: What is the “number of raters”, and how does this differ from the subsample?
Q4: Is there a codebook with more details available?
Reply from HKPORI
A1: For each question we used the subsampling technique, usually setting the probability (p) at p=0.5 or 0.6 to randomly select each question for each respondent to answer. We took such measures to shorten the effective length of the questionnaire for each respondent to minimise respondent fatigue and to reduce non-response bias.
A2: Lack of any data generally means the respondent was not asked the question. A value of “-99” means the question was asked but the respondent did not answer it. Generally, there are two reasons why questions are not asked. First, the use of subsampling technique as explained above. Second, the questions are not applicable to the respondent, based on his/her answers in some previous questions. For example, if a respondent was born in Hong Kong, we would not ask “How long have you been living in Hong Kong?”
A3: “Number of raters” only counts respondents who gave a “numerical” answer when we asked for a rating. In our definition, “subsample” counts all respondents who were asked the question, which includes also people who gave “non-numerical” answers such as “don’t know / hard to say”, as well as those who refused to answer.
A4: Our datasets provided in sav and csvy formats have already included descriptions and question wording for each variable, as well as the label used for all possible values of all variables.
本身我大女亦是一位游泳健將,她非常熱愛游泳這項活動,而且亦曾經屢次獲獎,她從小就希望長大後能代表香港游泳隊參賽,代表香港贏取獎牌為港爭光 。
再者我看到很多新聞特別是報道經濟發展的議題,鄰近地區不斷地發動挖角潮,導致很多香港的專業人才,受過高等教育及高收入人士離港,這對香港不同領域的長遠發展影響深遠 。
Letter from a Citizen
What is the outlook for our little athletes?
I am the mother of a young swimmer. In the past week or so, I faced a dilemma like many parents of young athletes.
The government announced that children aged 5 to 11 must receive their first dose of the vaccine by September 30, then the second dose by November 30.
Many parents felt very sad after seeing the news. I have learned that many children have never been vaccinated and most of them do not want to be vaccinated in the future. We’ re all in a dilemma, and I have heard that many parents can only choose to leave Hong Kong now and go to other countries that do not require mandatory vaccinations to continue their lives.
My eldest daughter is also a great swimmer. She loves swimming very much and has won many awards. Since she was a young child, she has been hoping to represent the Hong Kong swimming team when she grows up to win medals and glory for Hong Kong.
Unfortunately, I saw that many young athletes with potential and quality chose to leave Hong Kong as soon as possible within a week or so. I feel very sad, and it is a pity.
In addition, I have seen a lot of news reports, especially on the issue of economic development, and the continuous wave of poaching in our neighboring areas has led to the departure of many Hong Kong professionals, highly educated and high-income people, which has a profound impact on the long-term development of Hong Kong in various fields.
Hong Kong will always be our home port, and we do not want to leave this beautiful home.
Finally, I hope that the HKPORI can help us to conduct a comprehensive study, so that everyone can understand the concerns of parents like us, thank you.
From a mother of a little flying fish.
Reply from HKPORI
Mother of the little flying fish:
Thank you for your email, giving me so many mixed feelings.
It is very difficult for HKPORI to conduct a study on the compulsory vaccination of children. We would rather share your email with the public, after deleting your email address. Hopefully this would contribute to the public discussion on this topic.
It so happens that we will have a press conference tomorrow related to people’s livelihood issues, covering pandemic measures. We will share your email with our guest commentators, and let them discuss it freely. This may well be a better option.
IF possible, please reply to this email, and let us know your WhatsApp number. Our press conference starts at 2:30pm tomorrow, so and early reply is appreciated.
From Robert Chung.
From the Editor again:
Press conference video cut (related to the email): https://youtu.be/1Ssu8VJDkWI
All opinions expressed are that of the commentators, not HKPORI.
A: In PORI’s latest press release and social media tweets, PORI compared the first popularity rating of the Chief Executive John Lee with that of all former chief executives and Governor Chris Pattern. The intention is to create the comparison between the moment of ‘opening’ of respective leaders. Using the average score of multiple surveys may blur the concept of ‘opening’. Moreover, on the website of PORI, readers can choose freely from ratings per poll, ratings per monthly average, or ratings per half-yearly average. It should be noted that in the past, usually before the Chief Executive took office, PORI had already conducted relevant popularity surveys. However, there was only one candidate in this year’s election, and there was no extensive interaction between the citizens and the candidate before he took office, PORI hence did not conduct any popularity surveys on the Chief- Executive-Elect. It was a loss in the field of public opinion research.
With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.