

[Dialogues with Survey Data] Education is About Empowering Citizens to Take Part in Public Affairs






哈佛大學哲學教授丹妮爾·艾倫(Danielle Allen)就觀察到,在美國教育體系中,給予人文和社會研究的時間和資源不足。她一針見血地指出:「教育本身是民主的源動力——閱讀、寫作和合作是政治參與過程中不可缺少的基本工具。」








(原文為英文,由 AI 工具轉譯中文後經人手校對;文章標題及內文標題由香港民研編輯所擬)

Danielle Allen, What Is Education For? Boston Review, 26 April 2016.

Are surveys useful? About three-fifths of my students say their knowledge is derived not from asking what ordinary people think. A plurality of them conclude that public opinion doesn’t matter because the people are powerless and not listened to. Some students who believe that the ruling elites are better, if not the best, informed than anybody to make decisions for all, so it is ok for them to do the thinking for the people.

Mainstream Education Does Not Emphasise Understanding People's Thoughts

This does not surprise me. With perhaps the exception to the Liberal Studies curriculum with a strong focus on nurturing an open society for Hong Kong, which had been abolished, pre-tertiary educational experience had little to do with opinion surveys and survey methods. For the most part of it, students passed exams and braced themselves for many more ruthless assessments in History, Geography, Science, or Religious Studies which have no need to pay attention to what people think and why they think the way they do.

Moreover, students are under the impression that studying Individuals and Society is fraught with uncertainty that is originated from people who are subjective, biased, unreasonable, emotional, and by extension, hopelessly unreliable. There is a saying in Polish that “When 2 Poles meet, the result is 5 different opinions.” Moreover, the distribution of opinions does change from time to time. The possible combinations and trajectories are arguably infinite, and one must learn to make sense of all this. Trying to understand people’s attitudes and perceptions is like a wild goose chase, therefore many instinctively prefer some technologically oriented, vocational-experiential approaches to education.

The Essence of Education and Civic Awareness

Danielle Allen, a philosophy professor at Harvard University, has observed that the time and resources given to humanities and social studies are insufficient in the US education system. She has pithily argued that “education is a causal force behind democracy—reading, writing, and collaboration are the basic instruments of political action.”

Specifically, what would we get out of the investment in such soft skills for interaction and collaboration when we are increasingly enticed to embrace AI-driven, machine-assisted learning and decision-making? Is it not convenient for regions where democratic governance is either held at low esteem or has become “a no-go area” to dismiss Allen’s advice?

To my mind, there are 3 things at stake:
1) the cognitive ability, which is imperative for the formulation of one’s judgement,
2) we must keep learning to make better decisions for oneself and others concerned, and
3) we must learn how to appreciate disagreements about anything and everything.

I also agree with Allen that education is about empowering citizens to take part in public affairs and to learn to get along with one another notwithstanding the obvious differences in gender, race, social backgrounds, beliefs, values, and politics. It’s about nurturing and sustaining a civic, and civilized, culture.

Beware of "uniformity"

We know first-hand the ruling elites who always think they know better, let’s try to look at any community of individuals, uniformity is exceptional; diversity is the norm. But even when monolithic depictions about any means or ends of the people concerned are too often deployed to confirm the former at the expense of the latter, we must be wary of the danger that more often than not, one-size-fit-all formulations about people, identity, or destiny are but unnatural simplifications that bear little resemblance of the real people.

Leaders who pretend to know better are just pretending. They are just mortals like the rest of us. Humans err. When leaders who wield enormous power and resources over us make mistakes, we all suffer, only that it’s already too late when we find out.

Kenneth CHAN Ka Lok

(Article titles and section headings were devised by HKPORI editors.)

Danielle Allen, What Is Education For? Boston Review, 26 April 2016.



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