Q1:民研提及「回歸系列、身分認同、兩岸問題、世界視野、六四事件、議員評分、部隊民望和部份社會指標等」, 它們是被取消還是不作公開發表?
Questions (simplified and sub-edited)
Q1: PORI mentioned “handover series, ethnic identity, cross-strait issues, global awareness, June Fourth Incident, Councillor ratings, disciplinary forces, and some social indicators”, will they be canceled or moved to private domain?
Q2: Among the remaining indicators that are not affected, will the popularity of the CE, the Secretaries of Departments and the government, the Policy Address and the Budget responses continue to be released regularly? Will there be any change in the frequency of releasing the popularity ratings of CE and the government?
Q3: What are the main reasons for PORI to cancel or no longer release some survey series?
Replies from HKPORI
A1: We intend to turn all questions mentioned into internal reference, academic research, and commissioned services, but the number of questions for each topic may also be trimmed.
A2: We tentatively decide to continue conducting the series mentioned and release them to the public but their frequencies are yet to be decided.
A3: Every year from May to July, we review and brainstorm our future development. This year is no exception. We take into consideration a variety of factors in one bundle, including the demand for opinion data, the historical development of Hong Kong society, the role of HKPORI in promoting science and democracy, as well as all other risk assessments.