
香港民研為民間社會提供七一遊行人數點算平台 (2019-07-01)

HKPORI Provides July 1 Rally Head-counting Platform to Civil Society (2019-07-01)

201971 新聞公報


  1. 香港民意研究計劃(前身「港大民研」,現稱「香港民研」或簡稱「港研」)自2003年以來,每年7月1日都會於「七一遊行」期間點算遊行人數,目的是推廣科學精神以及為社會提供科學數據。承接過去幾年的發展,香港民研今年邀請中學師生一同參與民間點算遊行人數計劃,由香港民研提供理論和技術支援及網上平台全日發放點算結果。期望藉此推廣和普及遊行人數點算的科學方法,並提倡理性思考、客觀及正確的分析能力。民間點算數字由民間點算團隊負責。
  2. 整個民間點算計劃共分為3個階段:(1) 7月1日前的講座及準備;(2) 7月1日當天的實地參與;(3) 7月1日後的後續安排。7月1日的最新具體安排如下:香港民研會協助以下兩支研究團隊在兩個不同地點進行點算,結果由各支研究隊自己負責:
  • 「荃灣聖芳濟中學研究隊」在銅鑼灣波斯富街與軒尼詩道交界行人天橋進行點算;
  • 「一群熱心的老師及學生研究隊」在灣仔軒尼詩道與軍器廠街交界行人天橋進行點算。
  1. 香港民研會提供網上軟件,把所有研究隊的點算數字,全日不斷在網站發佈,網址為: pori.hk。須要註意:所有數字只包括途經有關點算站的人數,不包括因離隊插隊或使用其他道路而不被點算的人士,根據民研計劃過往的研究,實際人數應要乘大 1.3 至 1.6 倍。
  1. 港研主席鍾庭耀表示:「香港民研提供民間點算平台,目的在於協助公民社會自我學習人數點算,體現科學精神。根據過往經驗,任何超過十萬人的遊行,場面已經非常壯觀,實際人數亦非一般人所能分辨。既然今天已有多支研究隊以不同方法點算人數,主辦機構實在毋須著意數字,集中精神去維持秩序和演譯訴求應該更加合適。」
  1. 倘若有關人士願意,香港民研的民間點算平台會同樣開放給主辦機構、香港警隊、傳媒機構和其他學者,上載他們的點算方法和統計數字。

Press Release on July 1, 2019


HKPORI Provides July 1 Rally Head-counting Platform to Civil Society


  1. Since 2003, Hong Kong Public Opinion Program (formerly known as “HKUPOP”, now as “HKPOP”) has been conducting head-counts at all “July 1 Rallies”, with the aim at promoting scientific spirit and providing scientific figures to the society. Following the development in recent years, HKPOP invited secondary school teachers and students to participate in the civil rally head-counting program this year, where HKPOP provides theoretical and technical support to them as well as an online platform to release their counts round the clock. HKPOP hopes to promote and popularize the scientific method of rally head-counting, and to advocate rational, objective and proper analytical thinking. The civil research teams will take full responsibility for their head-counting figures.
  1. The whole civil head-counting research program comprises 3 stages: (1) Seminar and preparation before July 1; (2) On-site participation on July 1; (3) Follow-up arrangement after July 1. The latest arrangement on July 1 is as follows - HKPOP will provide support to the following research teams to conduct head-counting at two different rally points, while each research team will be responsible for their own counts:
  • “St. Francis Xavier's School, Tsuen Wan Research Team” counting on the footbridge at the junction of Percival Street and Hennessy Road in Causeway Bay;
  • “A group of Enthusiastic Teachers and Students Research Team” counting on the footbridge at the junction of Hennessy Road and Arsenal Street in Wan Chai.
  1. HKPOP will provide an online software to release all the counting figures by the research teams round the clock through our website at pori.hk. Please note: all counts will only include the number of rally participants passing through the counting points, those who do not pass through them because of early departure, late participation or using other routes will not be counted. According to the past studies of POP, the real headcounts should be 1.3 to 1.6 times of the counted figures.
  1. President of PORI Robert Chung explains, “HKPOP provides a head-counting platform to civil society in order to facilitate self-learning head-counts and to appreciate the spirit of science. According to past experience, any rally with over 100 thousand people is already very spectacular, and the real number is not easy for ordinary people to apprehend. Since there are already multiple research teams using different methods to count the figures today, the organizers should not concern themselves with the figure that much, but should rather focus on maintaining good order and interpret people’s appeals.”
  1. HKPOP would also open its platform to the organizers, the Police, the media and scholars for uploading their headcount method and projection figures, if they are prepared to open such information to the public.



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