
香港民研主席鍾庭耀解釋「區選覓途」計劃 (2019-11-22)

Robert Chung the President of HKPORI explains the “DE Way Out” Project (2019-11-22)

 20191122日 新聞公報




(1) 公平選舉是民主社會的重要元素,香港社會應該不分彼此,致力讓11月24日的區議會選舉成功進行,為紛亂的社會尋找出路。

(2) 香港民意研究所聯同學者推行「區選覓途 DE Way Out」計劃,收集市民對區議會選舉及香港前途的意見,為當前的困局尋找解決方法。

(3) 「區選覓途」計劃會分兩輪網上問卷調查收集市民意見,首輪調查將於11月24日區議會選舉當日 (上午7時30分至晚上11時59分) 進行,次輪調查則於11月25至30日進行。「區選覓途」收集的意見範圍,包括選民投票原因、對區選過程和結果的評價和對解決當前困局的方法。網址: https://wp.pori.hk/dewayout。

(4) 「區選覓途」計劃將於11月23至24日派出義工在本港各區派發宣傳單張,邀請市民登記成為群組成員,然後發表意見,單張派發地點待定。

(5)  11月24日選舉當天,香港民研不會進行票站調查,不會在投票結束前處理任何數據,所有數據完全不可能用作任何選舉工程,而所有義工只會在票站範圍及拉票地區以外派發單張。「區選覓途」需要大量義工,歡迎市民到香港民研網站登記。網址: pori.hk。

有關傳媒查詢,請致電3844 3111聯絡李小姐或彭小姐。

 Press Release on November 22, 2019


Press Conference Live

Robert Chung the President of HKPORI explains

the “DE Way Out” Project

Robert Chung, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI), made the following main points about “DE Way Out” Project at today’s press conference:

(1) Fair election is an important element of a democratic society. We Hongkongers with whatever political background should joint hands to make the District Council election on 24 October a success, in order to find the way out of the chaotic situation.

(2) HKPORI is working with scholars to kick start the “DE Way Out區選覓途” project to collect public opinions on the District Council elections and the future of Hong Kong, in order to find ways to resolve the current crisis.

(3) “DE Way Out” project will collect public opinion through two rounds of online surveys. The first round will take place on November 24 District Council election day (7:30am to 11:59pm), and the second round on November 25 to 30. Areas covered include reasons of voters’ choice, appraisal of the election process and results, as well as suggestions to resolve the current crisis. Website at https://wp.pori.hk/dewayout.

(4) On November 23 and 24, volunteers will be deployed by “DE Way Out” to different districts to distribute promotion leaflets, to invite people to become panel members and then make submissions. The locations of leaflet distribution are yet to be decided.

(5) On November 24 the election day, HKPORI will not conduct any exit poll, will not process any research data before the close of poll, so there is no way of anyone using the research data for election engineering. All volunteers would only distribute leaflets far away from all polling stations and campaign areas. “DE Way Out” requires a lot of volunteers, it welcome Hongkongers to register at its website at pori.hk.

For media enquiry please call Ms Lee or Ms Pang at 3844 3111.



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