
香港民研主席鍾庭耀向特首公開進言 (2020-02-05)

President of HKPORI Robert Chung makes a public appeal to the Chief Executive (2020-02-05)

 202025日 新聞公報





(1) 請讓科學回歸科學,政治回歸政治,在處理疫情的時候,請把權力下放給公眾信任的醫學專家,包括袁國勇、何栢良、沈祖堯等專家。封關與否?如何封關?等問題,請讓專家小組全權負責。

(2) 懇請特首不要鬥氣,如何處理醫務人員包括參加工業行動者的訴求,請讓專家小組按照科學證據和專業研判全權負責。

(3) 懇請特首收回成命,不應限制公務員佩戴口罩。抗疫需要上下齊心,不分你我。我們需要保護每一個香港人,不分政見,不分貴賤。

(4) 根據香港民研最近進行的「社區健康」調查結果,不少市民希望政府可以重點保護老弱傷殘和基層人士。本人因此建議政府除了全力支援醫護人員之外,亦要撥出部份口罩,免費派發給予上述人士。


有關傳媒查詢,請致電3844 3111聯絡李小姐或戴先生。

 Press Release on February 5, 2020


President of HKPORI Robert Chung makes

a public appeal to the Chief Executive

As the epidemic goes viral, Robert Chung, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI), makes the following pleading to the Chief Executive Carrie Lam today:

(1) Please let science issues resort to science, politics resort to politics. When dealing with the epidemic, please delegate your authority to trusted medical experts, like Yuen Kwok-yung, Ho Pak-leung, Sung Jao-yiu and so on. Questions like whether to close the border? How to close it? should be left to the experts.

(2) I earnestly request you our CE not to make it a battle of wills but to let the expert team decide how to cope with the demands from the medical workers, including those on industrial actions, according to scientific evidence and professional judgement.

(3) I also request you our CE to recall your “order” which forbids civil servants from wearing masks. Fighting against the epidemic requires everybody to work shoulder to shoulder and all of one mind. We need to protect every Hong Kong people regardless of their political stance and social status.

(4) According to the results of our latest round of “Community Health” survey, many Hong Kong people wanted the government to help the old, weak, disabled and grassroots. Therefore, I would suggest the government, apart from providing full support to our medical workers, to allocate and freely distribute protective masks to these needy people.

My pleas are based on my belief that when dealing with epidemics and public sentiments, science must go first and political consideration goes last, not to say dropping one’s personal arrogance completely out of sight.

For media enquiry please call Ms Lee or Mr Tai at 3844 3111.


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