
民研計劃發放施政報告即時調查結果 (2020-11-26)

POP releases findings of Policy Address instant survey (2020-11-26)

2020年11月26日香港民意研究所發佈會 – 傳媒參考資料


 20201126 新聞公報








調查日期 25/11/2020
調查方法 (1a)  隨機抽樣固網電話訪問

(1b)  隨機抽樣手機電話訪問

(2a)  電話訪問「香港民研意見群組」中的「香港市民代表組群」

(2b)  電郵邀請「香港民研意見群組」中的「香港市民代表組群」參與網上調查

訪問對象 18歲或以上操粵語的香港居民
成功樣本數目[1] 713 (包括223個隨機抽樣固網樣本、224個隨機抽樣手機樣本、186個意見群組電話訪問樣本及80個意見群組網上調查樣本)
實效回應比率 77.7% (撇除意見群組樣本)
抽樣誤差[2] 在95%置信水平下,百分比誤差不超過+/-4%,淨值誤差不超過+/-7%,評分誤差不超過+/-2.9
加權方法 原始數據來自4個不同的抽樣架,同時按照兩組權重以「反覆多重加權法」進行加權調整。第一組權重是政府統計處提供的人口相關統計數字,包括 a)《二零一九年年中人口數字》中全港人口年齡及性別分佈統計數字,b)《香港的女性及男性-主要統計數字》(2019年版)中的教育程度(最高就讀程度)及 c) 同一來源的經濟活動身分統計數字。第二組權重是按照各抽樣架下的預設目標樣本數目的比例調整,即固網電話隨機抽樣調查5個單位,手機電話隨機抽樣調查5個單位,意見群組樣本電話調查6個單位,及意見群組樣本網上調查4個單位。

[1]     數字為調查的總樣本數目,個別題目則可能只涉及次樣本。有關數字請參閱下列數表內列出的樣本數目。

[2]     此公報中所有誤差數字均以95%置信水平計算。95%置信水平,是指倘若以不同隨機樣本重複進行有關調查100次,則95次各自計算出的誤差範圍會包含人口真實數字。由於調查數字涉及抽樣誤差,傳媒引用百分比數字時,應避免使用小數點,在引用評分數字時,則可以使用一個小數點。



調查日期 樣本數目[3] 對施政報告的評價
滿意率[4] 一半半 不滿率[4] 滿意率淨值 平均量值[4] 施政報告
25/11/20 512 19+/-3% 9+/-2% 64+/-4% -46+/-7% 2.0+/-0.1 27.2+/-2.9
16/10/19 679 17%[6] 8%[6] 65%[6] -47%[6] 2.0[6] 29.7[6]
10/10/18 534 33%[6] 24% 34%[6] -1%[6] 2.9[6] 48.5[6]
11/10/17 526 48%[6] 28%[6] 14%[6] 34%[6] 3.5[6] 62.4[6]
18/1/17 512 34%[6] 22% 29%[6] 5%[6] 3.0[6] 52.3[6]
13/1/16 522 19%[6] 23% 39% -20%[6] 2.5[6] 41.1[6]
14/1/15 503 30%[6] 24%[6] 35% -5%[6] 2.8 49.5[6]
15/1/14 611 36% 30%[6] 31%[6] 5% 3.0 54.1[6]
16/1/13 759 36%[6] 35% 24%[6] 11%[6] 3.1 56.4[6]
12/10/11 816 47%[6] 32% 18% 28%[6] 3.3 59.1
13/10/10 747 41%[6] 33%[6] 19%[6] 22%[6] 3.2 58.9[6]
14/10/09 462 30% 37% 28% 2% 3.0 53.5
15/10/08 515 31%[6] 35%[6] 26%[6] 4%[6] 3.0 53.8[6]
10/10/07 602 52%[6] 29%[6] 10%[6] 42%[6] 3.5 65.2[6]
11/10/06 445 30%[6] 37% 22%[6] 8%[6] 3.0 55.8[6]
12/10/05 377 48%[6] 33% 9%[6] 39%[6] 3.5 66.4[6]
12/1/05 391 38%[6] 30% 20%[6] 18%[6] 3.2 56.3[6]
7/1/04 381 25% 26% 33%[6] -8% 2.8 49.3
8/1/03[5] 377 22%[6] 29% 27% -5% 2.8 51.6[6]
10/10/01 433 29% 33% 28% 1% 3.0 56.7
11/10/00 262 25%[6] 28% 31% -6%[6] 2.9 55.2
6/10/99 236 31%[6] 30% 25%[6] 6%[6] 3.0 57.3
7/10/98 508 22%[6] 35%[6] 35%[6] -14%[6] 2.8 --
8/10/97 534 45% 30%[6] 14%[6] 31% 3.4 --

[3]     已撇除未聞/不知道施政報告內容而沒有作答的被訪者。

[4]     數字採自五等量尺。平均量值是把答案按照正面程度,以1分最低5分最高量化成為1、2、3、4、5分,再求取樣本平均數值。

[5]     2003年施政報告的即時反應調查分2天進行,本表只列舉首天錄得的統計數字,以作直接比較分析之用。

[6]     該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。



施政報告發表日期 8/10/97 7/10/98 6/10/99 11/10/00 10/10/01 8/1/03 7/1/04 12/1/05
施政報告前特首評分 65.8 55.8 54.0 48.2 48.4 46.6 42.9 47.2
即時調查特首評分 66.1 56.1 54.3 50.7 50.6 47.3 44.6 48.4
特首評分變化 +0.3 +0.3 +0.3 +2.5[8] +2.2[8] +0.7 +1.7[8] +1.2
施政報告發表日期 12/10/05 11/10/06 10/10/07 15/10/08 14/10/09 13/10/10 12/10/11
施政報告前特首評分 68.0 62.9 65.8 52.7 55.2 55.4 48.4
即時調查特首評分 67.4 59.8 64.4 53.9 54.2 56.2 50.6
特首評分變化 -0.6 -3.1[8] -1.4[8] +1.2 -1.0 +0.8 +2.2[8]
施政報告前特首支持率淨值 68% 48% 48% 5% 7% -1% -45%
即時調查特首支持率淨值 65% 36% 48% 10% 8% 0% -41%
特首支持率淨值變化[7] -3% -12%[8] -- +5% +1% +1% +4%
施政報告發表日期 16/1/13 15/1/14 14/1/15 13/1/16 18/1/17
施政報告前特首評分 48.9 45.6 40.6 37.5 41.3
即時調查特首評分 52.2 48.9 44.8 37.0 41.7
特首評分變化 +3.3[8] +3.3[8] +4.2[8] -0.5 +0.4
施政報告前特首支持率淨值 -20% -31% -39% -44% -44%
即時調查特首支持率淨值 -11% -24% -35% -54% -57%
特首支持率淨值變化[7] +9%[8] +7%[8] +4% -10%[8] -13%[8]
施政報告發表日期 11/10/17 10/10/18 16/10/19 25/11/20
施政報告前特首評分 59.6 52.3 22.3 30.8+/-2.2
即時調查特首評分 61.1 47.6 22.7 26.8+/-2.6
特首評分變化 +1.5 -4.7[8] +0.3 -4.1[8]
施政報告前特首支持率淨值 10% 4% -65% -48+/-5%
即時調查特首支持率淨值 23% -10% -64% -57+/-6%
特首支持率淨值變化[7] +13%[8] -14%[8] +1% -9%[8]

[7]     施政報告即時調查自2004年開始涵蓋特首支持率問題,因此沒有列入董建華施政報告調查系列。

[8]     該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。


調查日期 31/8-4/9/20 21-24/9/20 5-8/10/20 19-22/10/20 9-13/11/20 25/11/20 最新變化
樣本數目 1,007 1,013 1,002 1,020 1,005 713 --
回應比率 58.4% 61.5% 62.8% 62.2% 63.9% 77.7% --
最新結果 結果 結果 結果 結果 結果 結果及
特首林鄭月娥評分 28.1 27.5 28.6 27.2 30.8[9] 26.8+/-2.6 -4.1[8]
林鄭月娥出任特首支持率 21% 17% 18% 18% 21% 16+/-3% -5%[8]
林鄭月娥出任特首反對率 69% 71% 72% 74% 69%[9] 74+/-3% +5%[8]
支持率淨值 -48% -53% -53% -56% -48%[9] -57+/-6% -9%[8]

[9]     該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。



調查日期 樣本數目[10] 對香港前途的信心
增加 不變 減少 唔知/難講 前途信心
25/11/20 512 17+/-3%[11] 16+/-3%[11] 63+/-4% 4+/-2% -46+/-6%
16/10/19 679 12%[11] 22% 61%[11] 6% -49%[11]
10/10/18 534 23%[11] 25%[11] [12] 45%[11] 7%[11] -22%[11]
11/10/17 526 40%[11] 39% 19%[11] 3%[11] 21%[11]
18/1/17 511 24%[11] 36%[11] 32%[11] 7%[11] -8%[11]
13/1/16 521 16%[11] 31% 44%[11] 10%[11] -27%[11]
14/1/15 501 22% 35% 38%[11] 5% -16%
15/1/14 846 24%[11] 38% 32%[11] 5%[11] -9%[11]
16/1/13 913 31% 38%[11] 23% 7%[11] 8%
12/10/11 957 29% 45% 21% 5% 8%[11]
13/10/10 914 31%[11] 45% 18%[11] 6% 14%[11]
14/10/09 749 27%[11] 47%[11] 22%[11] 5% 5%[11]
15/10/08 761 23%[11] 38%[11] 32%[11] 7% -9%[11]
10/10/07 388 53%[11] 31%/-5%[11] 7%[11] 9% 46%[11]
11/10/06 431 25%[11] 51%[11] 16%[11] 8% 9%[11]
12/10/05 476 54%[11] 33%[11] 5%[11] 8%[11] 49%[11]
12/1/05 658 34% 41% 12%[11] 14% 22%[11]
7/1/04 602 32%[11] 40% 16%[11] 12% 16%[11]
8/1/03[13] 513 25% 40%[11] 22% 14%[11] 3%
10/10/01 591 22% 50%[11] 21%[11] 7%[11] 1%[11]
11/10/00 292 22%[11] 40% 15% 22%[11] 7%[11]
6/10/99 233 40%[11] 36%[11] 16%[11] 8% 24%[11]
7/10/98 505 21% 52% 22% 5% -1%

[10]  已撇除未聞/不知道施政報告內容而沒有作答的被訪者。

[11]  該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,表示有關變化在統計學上表面成立。不過,變化在統計學上成立與否,並不等同有關變化是否有實際用途或意義,而不同調查的加權方法亦可能有所不同。

[12]  該數字與上次調查結果的差異超過在95%置信水平的抽樣誤差,是由於加權方法改變。如果以舊有加權方法處理數據,則變化並未超過抽樣誤差。

[13]  2003年施政報告的即時反應調查分2天進行,本表只列舉首天錄得的統計數字,以作直接比較分析之用。







Nov 26, 2020
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute Press Conference – Press Materials

Press Conference Live

Press Release on November 26, 2020

POP releases findings of Policy Address instant survey

Special Announcement

The predecessor of Hong Kong Public Opinion Program (HKPOP) was The Public Opinion Programme at The University of Hong Kong (HKUPOP). “POP” in this release can refer to HKPOP or its predecessor HKUPOP.


After Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered the Policy Address yesterday, POP conducted an instant survey on the same day and released part of the findings last night. Apart from random landline and mobile numbers, this survey also included samples from our “Hong Kong People Representative Panel” (i.e. a panel comprising randomly recruited samples) within “HKPOP Panel”, interviewed by telephone or invited through email to complete an online survey. Our telephone survey began at around 2pm till around 8:45pm, while our online survey started at around 1:30pm and ended at around 8pm yesterday. A total of 713 successful cases were collected, including 223 random landline samples, 224 random mobile samples, 186 panel telephone survey samples and 80 panel online survey samples. The raw data have been weighted by population statistics and proportions of different sampling frames in order to ensure data representativeness.

Our survey shows that after excluding those respondents who said they did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 19% said they were satisfied with it, 64% were dissatisfied, giving a net satisfaction rate of negative 46 percentage points, while on a scale of 0-100, the average rating is 27.2 marks, which is at its historical low among all instant surveys since records began in 1999. As for CE Carrie Lam, her popularity has dropped significantly after she delivered the Policy Address yesterday. Her latest support rating is 26.8 marks, approval rate 16% and disapproval 74%, giving a net approval rate of negative 57 percentage points. Moreover, after excluding those who did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 17% said their confidence in the future of Hong Kong had increased, 16% said there was no change, while 63% said their confidence had decreased, giving a net effect of negative 46 percentage points on people’s confidence. The instant survey describes people’s instant reaction toward the Policy Address. Their reactions later remain to be seen. The effective response rate of the survey excluding panel samples is 77.7%. The maximum sampling error of percentages is +/-4%, that of net values is +/-7% and that of ratings is +/-2.9 at 95% confidence level.

Contact Information

Date of survey : 25/11/2020
Survey method : (1a)  Random landline telephone survey

(1b)  Random mobile telephone survey

(2a)  Telephone survey targeting “Hong Kong People Representative Panel” within “HKPOP Panel”

(2b)  Online survey with email invitation targeting “Hong Kong People Representative Panel” within “HKPOP Panel”

Target population : Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above
Sample size[1] : 713 (including 223 random landline samples, 224 random mobile samples, 186 panel telephone survey samples and 80 panel online survey samples)
Effective response rate : 77.7% (excluding panel samples)
Sampling error[2] : Sampling error of percentages not more than +/-4%, that of net values not more than +/-7% and that of ratings not more than +/-2.9 at 95% conf. level
Weighting method : The raw data comes from 4 different sampling frames. It is rim-weighted by two sets of weighting factors simultaneously. The first set of weighting factors comprises population figures provided by the Census and Statistics Department, they include (a) the gender-age distribution of the Hong Kong population from “Mid-year population for 2019”, (b) educational attainment (highest level attended) distribution from “Women and Men in Hong Kong - Key Statistics (2019 Edition)”, and (c) economic activity status distribution from the last source. The second set of weighting factors is adjusted based on the relative target sample size of different sub-sampling frames, namely, random telephone survey using landline numbers set at 5 units, random telephone survey using mobile numbers set at 5 units, telephone survey of randomly pre-selected panel members set at 6 units, and online survey of randomly pre-selected panel members set at 4 units.

[1]     This figure is the total sample size of the survey. Some questions may only involve a subsample, the size of which can be found in the tables below.

[2]     All error figures in this release are calculated at 95% confidence level. “95% confidence level” means that if we were to repeat a certain survey 100 times with different random samples, we would expect 95 times having the population parameter within the respective error margins calculated. Because of sampling errors, when quoting percentages, journalists should refrain from reporting decimal places, whereas one decimal place can be used when quoting rating figures.

Latest Figures

People’s satisfaction figures with this year’s Policy Address are summarized below together with the previous findings:

Date of survey Sample size[3] Appraisal of Policy Address
Satisfaction rate[4] Half-half Dissatisfaction rate[4] Net satisfaction rate Mean value[4] Rating of
Policy Address
25/11/20 512 19+/-3% 9+/-2% 64+/-4% -46+/-7% 2.0+/-0.1 27.2+/-2.9
16/10/19 679 17%[6] 8%[6] 65%[6] -47%[6] 2.0[6] 29.7[6]
10/10/18 534 33%[6] 24% 34%[6] -1%[6] 2.9[6] 48.5[6]
11/10/17 526 48%[6] 28%[6] 14%[6] 34%[6] 3.5[6] 62.4[6]
18/1/17 512 34%[6] 22% 29%[6] 5%[6] 3.0[6] 52.3[6]
13/1/16 522 19%[6] 23% 39% -20%[6] 2.5[6] 41.1[6]
14/1/15 503 30%[6] 24%[6] 35% -5%[6] 2.8 49.5[6]
15/1/14 611 36% 30%[6] 31%[6] 5% 3.0 54.1[6]
16/1/13 759 36%[6] 35% 24%[6] 11%[6] 3.1 56.4[6]
12/10/11 816 47%[6] 32% 18% 28%[6] 3.3 59.1
13/10/10 747 41%[6] 33%[6] 19%[6] 22%[6] 3.2 58.9[6]
14/10/09 462 30% 37% 28% 2% 3.0 53.5
15/10/08 515 31%[6] 35%[6] 26%[6] 4%[6] 3.0 53.8[6]
10/10/07 602 52%[6] 29%[6] 10%[6] 42%[6] 3.5 65.2[6]
11/10/06 445 30%[6] 37% 22%[6] 8%[6] 3.0 55.8[6]
12/10/05 377 48%[6] 33% 9%[6] 39%[6] 3.5 66.4[6]
12/1/05 391 38%[6] 30% 20%[6] 18%[6] 3.2 56.3[6]
7/1/04 381 25% 26% 33%[6] -8% 2.8 49.3
8/1/03[5] 377 22%[6] 29% 27% -5% 2.8 51.6[6]
10/10/01 433 29% 33% 28% 1% 3.0 56.7
11/10/00 262 25%[6] 28% 31% -6%[6] 2.9 55.2
6/10/99 236 31%[6] 30% 25%[6] 6%[6] 3.0 57.3
7/10/98 508 22%[6] 35%[6] 35%[6] -14%[6] 2.8 --
8/10/97 534 45% 30%[6] 14%[6] 31% 3.4 --

[3]     Respondents who did not answer this question because they had not heard of / did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address have been excluded.

[4]     Collapsed from a 5-point scale. The mean value is calculated by quantifying all individual responses into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 marks according to their degree of positive level, where 1 is the lowest and 5 the highest, and then calculate the sample mean.

[5]     The 2003 Policy Address instant survey was conducted for two days. Only figures registered in the first day of fieldwork are listed in this table for direct comparison and analysis.

[6]     The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.

After excluding those respondents who said they did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 19% said they were satisfied with it, 64% were dissatisfied, giving a net satisfaction rate of negative 46 percentage points. The mean score is 2.0, meaning close to “somewhat dissatisfied” in general, while the average rating is 27.2 marks on a scale of 0 to 100. The average rating of the Policy Address is at its worst among instant surveys since records began in 1997.

Figures on various Chief Executives’ popularity before and after the Policy Address Speech since 1997 are summarized as follows:

Popularity of Tung Chee-hwa
Date of PA Speech 8/10/97 7/10/98 6/10/99 11/10/00 10/10/01 8/1/03 7/1/04 12/1/05
CE’s rating
before the PA
65.8 55.8 54.0 48.2 48.4 46.6 42.9 47.2
CE’s rating at
PA instant survey
66.1 56.1 54.3 50.7 50.6 47.3 44.6 48.4
Change in
CE’s rating
+0.3 +0.3 +0.3 +2.5[8] +2.2[8] +0.7 +1.7[8] +1.2
Popularity of Donald Tsang
Date of Policy Address Speech 12/10/05 11/10/06 10/10/07 15/10/08 14/10/09 13/10/10 12/10/11
CE’s rating before the PA 68.0 62.9 65.8 52.7 55.2 55.4 48.4
CE’s rating at PA instant survey 67.4 59.8 64.4 53.9 54.2 56.2 50.6
Change in CE’s rating -0.6 -3.1[8] -1.4[8] +1.2 -1.0 +0.8 +2.2[8]
CE’s net approval rate
before the PA
68% 48% 48% 5% 7% -1% -45%
CE’s net approval rate
at PA instant survey
65% 36% 48% 10% 8% 0% -41%
Change in CE’s
net approval rate[7]
-3% -12%[8] -- +5% +1% +1% +4%
Popularity of CY Leung
Date of Policy Address Speech 16/1/13 15/1/14 14/1/15 13/1/16 18/1/17
CE’s rating before the PA 48.9 45.6 40.6 37.5 41.3
CE’s rating at PA instant survey 52.2 48.9 44.8 37.0 41.7
Change in CE’s rating +3.3[8] +3.3[8] +4.2[8] -0.5 +0.4
CE’s net approval rate before the PA -20% -31% -39% -44% -44%
CE’s net approval rate at PA instant survey -11% -24% -35% -54% -57%
Change in CE’s net approval rate[7] +9%[8] +7%[8] +4% -10%[8] -13%[8]
Popularity of Carrie Lam
Date of Policy Address Speech 11/10/17 10/10/18 16/10/19 25/11/20
CE’s rating before the PA 59.6 52.3 22.3 30.8+/-2.2
CE’s rating at PA instant survey 61.1 47.6 22.7 26.8+/-2.6
Change in CE’s rating +1.5 -4.7[8] +0.3 -4.1[8]
CE’s net approval rate before the PA 10% 4% -65% -48+/-5%
CE’s net approval rate at PA instant survey 23% -10% -64% -57+/-6%
Change in CE’s net approval rate[7] +13%[8] -14%[8] +1% -9%[8]

[7]     Instant surveys on Policy Address included CE’s approval rate since 2004, so it is not listed under Tung’s series.

[8]     The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.

Recent figures on Carrie Lam’s popularity before and after the Policy Address speech are as follows:

Date of survey 31/8-4/9/20 21-24/9/20 5-8/10/20 19-22/10/20 9-13/11/20 25/11/20 Latest change
Sample size 1,007 1,013 1,002 1,020 1,005 713 --
Response rate 58.4% 61.5% 62.8% 62.2% 63.9% 77.7% --
Latest findings Finding Finding Finding Finding Finding Finding & error --
Rating of CE Carrie Lam 28.1 27.5 28.6 27.2 30.8[9] 26.8+/-2.6 -4.1[8]
Vote of confidence in CE Carrie Lam 21% 17% 18% 18% 21% 16+/-3% -5%[8]
Vote of no confidence in CE Carrie Lam 69% 71% 72% 74% 69%[9] 74+/-3% +5%[8]
Net approval rate -48% -53% -53% -56% -48%[9] -57+/-6% -9%[8]

[9]     The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.

Install survey shows that CE Carrie Lam’s popularity has dropped significantly after she delivered her Policy Address yesterday. Her latest support rating is 26.8 marks, approval rate 16% and disapproval 74%, giving a net approval rate of negative 57 percentage points.

The survey also gauged the change of people’s confidence in the future of Hong Kong after CE Carrie Lam delivered her Policy Address. Results are as follows:

Date of
Confidence in the future of Hong Kong
Increased Unchanged Decreased Don’t know / hard to say Net effect on confidence
25/11/20 512 17+/-3%[11] 16+/-3%[11] 63+/-4% 4+/-2% -46+/-6%
16/10/19 679 12%[11] 22% 61%[11] 6% -49%[11]
10/10/18 534 23%[11] 25%[11] [12] 45%[11] 7%[11] -22%[11]
11/10/17 526 40%[11] 39% 19%[11] 3%[11] 21%[11]
18/1/17 511 24%[11] 36%[11] 32%[11] 7%[11] -8%[11]
13/1/16 521 16%[11] 31% 44%[11] 10%[11] -27%[11]
14/1/15 501 22% 35% 38%[11] 5% -16%
15/1/14 846 24%[11] 38% 32%[11] 5%[11] -9%[11]
16/1/13 913 31% 38%[11] 23% 7%[11] 8%
12/10/11 957 29% 45% 21% 5% 8%[11]
13/10/10 914 31%[11] 45% 18%[11] 6% 14%[11]
14/10/09 749 27%[11] 47%[11] 22%[11] 5% 5%[11]
15/10/08 761 23%[11] 38%[11] 32%[11] 7% -9%[11]
10/10/07 388 53%[11] 31%/-5%[11] 7%[11] 9% 46%[11]
11/10/06 431 25%[11] 51%[11] 16%[11] 8% 9%[11]
12/10/05 476 54%[11] 33%[11] 5%[11] 8%[11] 49%[11]
12/1/05 658 34% 41% 12%[11] 14% 22%[11]
7/1/04 602 32%[11] 40% 16%[11] 12% 16%[11]
8/1/03[13] 513 25% 40%[11] 22% 14%[11] 3%
10/10/01 591 22% 50%[11] 21%[11] 7%[11] 1%[11]
11/10/00 292 22%[11] 40% 15% 22%[11] 7%[11]
6/10/99 233 40%[11] 36%[11] 16%[11] 8% 24%[11]
7/10/98 505 21% 52% 22% 5% -1%

[10]  Respondents who did not answer this question because they had not heard of / did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address have been excluded.

[11]  The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level, meaning that the change is statistically significant prima facie. However, whether the difference is statistically significant is not the same as whether they are practically useful or meaningful, and different weighting methods could have been applied in different surveys.

[12]  The difference between the figure and the result from the previous survey has gone beyond the sampling error at 95% confidence level because of a change in the weighting method. If the previous weighting method was used, the changes would not have gone beyond the sampling errors.

[13]  The 2003 Policy Address instant survey was conducted for two days. Only figures registered in the first day of fieldwork are listed in this table for direct comparison and analysis.

Results show that after excluding those who did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 17% said their confidence in the future of Hong Kong had increased, 16% said there was no change, while 63% said their confidence had decreased, giving a net effect of negative 46 percentage points on people’s confidence.

Data Analysis

Our latest Policy Address instant survey shows that after excluding those respondents who said they did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 19% said they were satisfied with it, 64% were dissatisfied, giving a net satisfaction rate of negative 46 percentage points, while on a scale of 0-100, the average rating is 27.2 marks, which is at its historical low among all instant surveys since records began in 1999.

As for CE Carrie Lam, her popularity has dropped significantly after she delivered the Policy Address yesterday. Her latest support rating is 26.8 marks, approval rate 16% and disapproval 74%, giving a net approval rate of negative 57 percentage points.

Moreover, after excluding those who did not have any knowledge of the Policy Address, 17% said their confidence in the future of Hong Kong had increased, 16% said there was no change, while 63% said their confidence had decreased, giving a net effect of negative 46 percentage points on people’s confidence.

The instant survey describes people’s instant reaction toward the Policy Address. Their reactions later remain to be seen.



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