
有關香港民意研究所未來發展之聲明 (2021-04-01)

A Statement on the Future Development of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (2021-04-01)




  1. 不論以往在香港大學或現在於香港民意研究所管轄之下,民意研究團隊一直以來都奉公守法,將來也不會改變。

  2. 研究所認為在任何情況下都需要推動科學和民主精神,並會繼續對香港和世界各地的民情民意進行獨立和科學研究,讓普羅大眾的聲音得以彰顯。

  3. 隨著香港社會政治環境的變化,研究所認為其作為獨立科研機構的角色將比以往更加重要。研究所會不斷檢討和修訂其研究方法、數據資訊安全政策和公眾參與倡議,以保持其在本地和國際研究領域的領導角色。

  4. 由於《基本法》明文保障了新聞、言論、出版、通訊和學術研究的自由,研究所會繼續鼓勵其成員、合作伙伴和香港各界人士依據法律保障下的自由表達意見。



A Statement on the Future Development of
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute

1 April 2021

As the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) moves towards its second anniversary, and having taken into consideration the changing socio-legal environment and the new electoral system, it issues the following statements today regarding its next stage of development:

  1. The research team previously operating under The University of Hong Kong and now under HKPORI has always abide to the law, and it will continue to do so.

  2. HKPORI considers it important to promote the spirit of Science and Democracy under all circumstances, and it will continue to conduct independent and scientific studies on public opinion in Hong Kong and around the world in order to let people’s voices heard.

  3. In light of the changing socio-political environment in Hong Kong, HKPORI considers its role as an independent scientific researcher more important than ever. It will constantly review and revise its research methodologies, data security policies and public engagement initiatives accordingly in order to stay at the forefront of local and international research.

  4. Because the freedom of the press, of speech, publication, communication and conducting academic research are guaranteed by the Basic Law, HKPORI will continue to encourage its members, associates and Hong Kong people in all walks of life to express themselves freely under the law.

In the coming three months before its second anniversary, HKPORI will continue to review and re-develop its operations in all areas, in order to come up with a multi-stage development plan in the years to come.




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