

Latest Progress Update of HKPORI

1) 專題民調:香港民研已於11月底完成發布首個有關伴侶結識渠道及生育意向的專題民調,引發不少討論和轉載。民研緊接於12月初推出第二次專題民調,主題為港人對居住環境及對劏房規管的意見,數據收集仍在進行中,暫定明年1 月透過社交媒體及網站發布結果。

2) 離任局長民望回顧:楊潤雄及林世雄於12月5日突然離任,民研於同日隨即發表貼文,回顧兩人在本屆政府的民望數字。而新上任的羅淑佩及陳美寶局長將會取代二人,出現在下一次的定期局長民調。

3) 國際數據:民研最近整合了聯合國國際勞工組織數據庫有關世界各地的職業傷亡致命率,並與勞工處最新的職業安全報告作比較,發現香港2023年每千名僱員的職業傷亡致命率為 0.098,遠高於世界上大部分高收入的國家/地區。全文可見12月9日發表的貼文。民研會繼續引用更多國際數據,以回應香港社會需求,希望成為一道通向世界的窗口。

1) Topical Study: HKPORI has completed its first ever topical study, on dating and childbearing, and all releases are complete by the end of November, inducing many discussions. HKPORI immediately kick started its 2nd topical study, on people’s living environments and regulation of subdivided units. Results are expected to be released online next January.

2) Reviews on Stepped-Down Directors of Bureaux: Following the sudden dismissal of Kevin Yeung Yun-hung and Lam Sai-hung on December 5, we immediately released a social media post on their popularity. They will be replaced by Rosanna Law Shuk-pui and Mable Chan in our next tracking survey.

3) International Data: PORI has recently consolidated the data compiled by the International Labour Organization (ILO) under the United Nations on occupational fatality, and compared it with the latest Hong Kong report compiled by the Labour Department, which showed that Hong Kong’s occupational fatality rate in 2023 stood at 0.098 per 1,000 employees, which is much higher than most high-income countries or regions around the world. Please see our social media post on December 9. We will continue to compare local and global data in order to keep Hong Kong as a window to the world.



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