香港民研現正進行關於政府民望及香港社會的定期民調,今日起以隨機抽樣方式透過電話短訊邀請市民填寫網上問卷。短訊由 #HKPORI 發出,問卷網址以 開頭。誠邀獲抽中的市民踴躍參與。
如有查詢,請致電 3844 3111,或電郵至 [email protected] 與我們聯絡。
HKPORI is currently conducting the regular survey on the government’s popularity and Hong Kong society. Starting today, randomly selected members of the public will be invited to complete an online questionnaire via SMS. The messages are sent by #HKPORI, and the survey link begins with We sincerely invite those selected to actively participate.
For enquiries, please call 3844 3111 or email us at [email protected].