香港民意研究所(香港民研)今天預告,「一國兩制 25 周年中期民情總結」的第 25 次,亦即 最後一次的數據總結,將於 6 月 28 日(下星期三)以新聞發布會形式公布,主題為「民情指 數 1997-2022」,完整跨越四個特首的任期。至此,香港民研為一國兩制前半發展留下歷史數據 的任務便告完成。民研今早在網上已經宣佈會如何減少自費收集原始數據、加強開發二次數 據、以及按照社會需要調整定期民意調查的研究領域和發放範圍。民研已經初步決定,會取消 大約四之一的定期調查題目,而餘下題目中大約三分之一,也會轉作內部參考、學術研究和付 費服務之用,不作公開發表。有關課題初步包括回歸系列、身分認同、兩岸問題、 世界視野、 六四事件、議員評分、部隊民望和部份社會指標等,詳情會在月底敲定,七月公布。與此同時, 民研會組織學術研究團隊,開發二次數據研究,好好運用三十多年來收集的數據。各界人士, 尤其是民研會員,歡迎與我們接洽,以合作開發或付費委托形式,合法地使用我們尚未發表的 數據。各界人士如有任何意見或提問,歡迎以電郵聯絡我們,我們會透過網頁平台逐一公開回 應。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) today forecasted that the 25th and final wrap-up of the “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-term Review” would be released in a press conference on June 28 (next Wednesday), under the theme of "Public Sentiment Index 1997-2022", spanning across four complete CE terms. By then, HKPORI would have completed its mission to preserve the historical data of the first half of “one country, two systems”. This morning, we have already announced online how we would reduce our self-funded data collection activities, step up our secondary data analysis, and also adjust the scope of our tracking surveys in terms of topic and release format. We have tentatively decided to cancel about one-fourth of our regular survey questions, and about one-third of the remaining questions will be used for internal reference, academic research and commissioned services, instead of free releases. These topics tentatively cover our handover series, ethnic identity, cross-strait issues, global awareness, June Fourth Incident, Councillor ratings, disciplinary forces and some social indicators. We will finalize the list by the end of this month and announce it in July. Meanwhile we are setting up an academic research team to develop our secondary data studies, in order to make better use of the data collected over the past 30 years or so. People from all walks of life, especially HKPORI subscribers, are welcome to contact us on how to use our unpublished data legally for collaborative projects or commissioned studies, in order to promote civic education and empirical-based professional analysis. We welcome email enquiries and will answer them one by one openly online.