

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)在去年六月啟動「一國兩制 25 周年中期民情總結」,連同今日發 表的「民情指數 25 年」,一共 25 份報告,經已全部完成,香港民研為一國兩制前半發展留下 歷史數據的任務亦告結束。七月開始,民研會加強二次數據的開發和應用,深化多媒體公民教 育的工作。 民研早前已經宣佈,會減少自費收集數據的工作,和把部份調查系列轉作學術研究、內部參考 和付費服務,不作公開發表。民研會盡快制定各種指引和價目表,回應社會對有關調查的需求。 此外,七月之後,民研會修訂「民情指數」的量化方法和發放方式,以涵蓋現任特首的任期, 和量化不同市民群組對香港社會的情緒反應,請留意七月份的公布。

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) launched its “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-tern Review” in June last year. Including this “25 Years of Public Sentiment Index (PSI)” released today, a total of 25 wrap-ups have been completed, and HKPORI’s mission to preserve the historical data of the first half of “one country, two systems” is thereby completed. Starting from July, we will step up our development and application of secondary data analysis, and deepen our work in multi-media civic education. We have already announced our plan to reduce our self-funded data collection activities, as well as turning several survey series into internal reference, academic research and commissioned services instead of free releases. We will formulate various guidelines and price lists in due course, to cater for societal demand for these studies. Moreover, after July, we will revise the quantification and release methods of our Public Sentiment Index (PSI) to cover the term of the incumbent Chief Executive, as well as to quantify the sentiments of different population groups. Please stay tuned for the announcement in July.



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