踏入七月,香港民意研究所(香港民研)開始第五周年、亦即民研團隊第三十三周年的運作。 民研會陸續敲定、公佈和執行各種新措施,並同時透過民研的網上平台,解釋新的轉變。民研 今日透過新聞公報首次發放「第二代民情指數」,就是一個新的開始。去年五月,我們把定期 新聞發佈會的次數,由每周兩次下調至每月四次。八月開始,再下調至每月兩次。本月開始, 我們會再把記招次數減至每月 1 次,但網上新聞公報的發表次數,則會維持在每星期一次,假 期及記招周份除外。與此同時,民研會增加與各屆人士的文字溝通,一則促進交流互動,二則 可以保留紀錄,結集成書。有關計劃,及後會有公佈。
As we enter July, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) begins its fifth anniversary, which is also the 33rd anniversary of the research team. We will finalize, announce and implement various new initiatives, and explain the new changes through our online platform. Today, we mark a new beginning by issuing the first release of our “Second Generation PSI”. Last May, we reduced the frequency of our regular press conferences from twice a week to four times a month. In August, we further reduced it to twice a month. Starting this month, we will cut it down to once every month, but the number of online press releases will remain at once a week, except for holidays and weeks with press conferences. At the same time, we will increase our written communication with people, in order to facilitate interaction and to keep a good record for future publications. We will announce our plan in due course.