

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)已經開展七月份的定期電話調查,當中包括以下項目:特首民望、 政府民望、社會現況評價、以及市民對兩岸四地及世界各地政府人民的觀感,最後一項民研不 會公開發放,但就歡迎各界人士與民研接觸,洽購調查數字以作學術研究、政策討論、內部參 考等一切合法用途。此外,本月開始,特首民望的其中一條題目,已經更新為「假設你而家有 權決定續任或者罷免李家超作為特首,你會點樣決定?」以往的提問是「假設明天選舉特首, 而你又有權投票,你會唔會選李家超做特首?」屬於國際民主社會普遍的提問方法。香港民研 在 2002 年引入香港,與 0-100 分支持度平行使用,是呼應香港當年的發展,如今調整問卷字 眼,也是呼應香港現在的發展

The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has already started its regular telephone survey of July, which covers the following series: popularity of the Chief Executive, popularity of the government, people’s appraisal of society’s current conditions, as well as people’s feelings towards governments and peoples across the strait and in other parts of the world. The last item will not be publicly released, but all are welcome to contact us to purchase survey data for academic research, policy discussions, internal reference and all other lawful purposes. Meanwhile, starting from this month, a question on the popularity of the Chief Executive has been revised from “If a general election of the Chief Executive were to be held tomorrow, and you had the right to vote, would you vote for John Lee?” to “If you had the right to decide whether to reappoint or dismiss John Lee as the Chief Executive now, how would you decide?” The former design is a common way to pose the question in democratic societies around the globe and was introduced to Hong Kong by us in 2002 for use in tandem with support rating on a scale of 0-100. The move back then was to echo the development in Hong Kong at that time. The current adjustment of question wording is also to echo the development in Hong Kong now.


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
Other Professional Services



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