香港民意研究所(香港民研)已經開展七月份的定期電話調查,當中包括以下項目:特首民望、 政府民望、社會現況評價、以及市民對各地政府和人民的觀感,但最後一項不會公開發放。香 港民研會盡快制定價目表,方便各界人士洽購各項不作公開發放的調查數字和數據,以作合法 用途,聯絡電郵為 [email protected]。
The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has already started its regular telephone survey of July, which covers the following series: popularity of the Chief Executive, popularity of the government, people’s appraisal of society’s current conditions, as well as people’s feelings towards different governments and peoples. The last item will not be published. HKPORI will soon fix the price list for people to purchase its unpublished survey findings and datasets for lawful purpose, please contact [email protected].