香港民意研究所(香港民研)今日正式啟動「民研數據查冊服務」,方便各界人士免費查閱香 港民研已經發表的民意調查數字。至於不作公開的定期調查數字和數據,日後也會以項目表列 形式通告天下,方便查冊及有限使用。香港民研會要求所有查冊人士,承諾不會把所獲資料, 不論收費或免費,用作非法用途,亦不會轉送或轉售給任何人士。「香港民研數據查冊平台」 仍在開發階段,預計可在九月份全面投入服務。歡迎電郵 [email protected] 查詢。
The Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme (HKPORI) today officially launches its “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System”, which provides free public access to the figures of opinion surveys already released by HKPORI. As for the figures and data of its tracking surveys which will no longer be released to the public, they will be displayed in the form of topic listing to facilitate searching and restricted usage. HKPORI will require all data acquirers, whether they have obtained the information for a fee or free of charge, to pledge that they will not use it for illegal purposes, nor will they transfer or resell it to any person. The “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” is still in its developmental stage, it is expected to be fully operational in September. Please contact [email protected] for more details.