香港民意研究所(香港民研)繼七至八月期間發放五項第二代民情指數的分析報告後,計劃將 於九月再發放另外三項分析,包括按月計算的民情指數、按出生地劃分的群組分析,以及按房 屋類型和居所租住權劃分的群組分析,以展示二次數據分析的力量和價值。
The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) already released five analysis reports using Public Sentiment Index v2.0 (PSI v2.0) during July and August. We plan to further release three more similar analyses in September to demonstrate the power and value of secondary data analysis. These include monthly indexes, subgroup analyses based on place of birth as well as type of housing and tenure of accommodation.