踏入九月份,香港民意研究所(香港民研)繼續發展其「香港民研數據查冊平台」,繼在八月 底推出「身份認同感」收費項目 16 條後,今天再推出兩個收費項目,分別為:1) 六月份紀律 部隊及駐港解放軍民望,共 5 條題目,及 2) 七月份市民對各地政府及人民的觀感調查,共 19 條。另外,可供市民免費下載的題目亦由原本的 38 條增加至 45 條,新增的項目為七月份社會 狀況評價,共 7 條,結果已於八月初發表。民研會員可繼續以半價再半價徵購收費項目,即每 題$2,500。香港民研會要求所有查冊人士,承諾不會把所獲資料轉送或轉售給任何人士。查詢 電郵:[email protected]。
As September begins, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) continues to develop its “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” by adding two more paid items on top of the 16 questions on ethnic identity already made available for purchase in late August. They are: 1) popularity of disciplinary forces and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison in June, with a total of 5 questions and 2) people’s feeling towards different governments and peoples of our July survey, with a total of 19 questions. Besides, the number of questions available for free download has also increased from 38 to 45, with the addition of 7 questions on appraisal of society’s conditions in July, the results of which were released publicly in early August. HKPORI members continue to enjoy 75% off for paid items, meaning $2,500 per question. HKPORI requires all data acquirers to pledge that they will not transfer or resell the information to anyone. For enquiries, please email to [email protected].