

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)於2023年7月開始重新整合及分析過去三十多年建構民情指數的 方法和數據,成為「第二代民情指數」。由7月至9月中,連同本報告,民研已經合共發放了九 份「第二代民情指數報告」,當中包括很多首次發表的分析單元和民意走勢分析,充分展示了 二次數據分析的力量和價值。初部構思,整個「第二代民情指數分析系列」共有12個單元,發 放周期太約橫跨三至四個月,將不斷重複和更新。以下為首個循環的發表或預計發表日期:

第二代民情指數 [半年平均數/按月分析:2023年7月4日/9月5日]

按政治陣營分析 [2023年7月11日]

按社會階層分析 [第一種/第二種組合:2023年7月18日/8月15日]

按公民社會活躍程度分析 [2023年8月8日]

按出生地分析 [2023年 9月12日]

按房屋類型分析 [將於2023年9月19日發表]

按身份認同感分析 [將於2023年10月10日發表]

按年齡或世代分析 [發表日期待定]

按教育程度分析 [發表日期待定]

按性別與年齡組別分析 [發表日期待定]

按經濟活動狀況分析 [發表日期待定]

按統獨傾向分析 [發表日期待定]

In July 2023, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) began to revisit and analyze the methodology and data collected over the past 30 years or so which we used to construct the Public Sentiment Index (PSI) and became the “PSI v2.0”. From July to mid-September, this report included, HKPORI has already released a total of nine “PSI v2.0 Reports”, comprising many first-time release analysis modules and PSI trend analyses, which has fully demonstrated the power and value of secondary data analysis. In our initial plan, there will be 12 modules under the “PSI v2.0 Analysis Series”, while the release cycle would roughly span over three to four months, then continuously repeats and updates. The (tentative) release dates of the first cycle are as follows:

PSI v2.0 (Half-yearly average / monthly analysis: July 4, 2023 / September 5, 2023)

PSI per Political Camps (July 11, 2023) § PSI per Social Strata (First type / Second type: July 18, 2023 / August 15, 2023)

PSI per Activeness in Civil Society (August 8, 2023)

PSI per Place of Birth (September 12, 2023)

PSI per Housing Type and Ownership (September 19, 2023)

PSI per Ethnic Identity (October 10, 2023) § PSI per Age or Generation (Release date to be determined)

PSI per Education Attainment (Release date to be determined)

PSI per Gender and Age (Release date to be determined)

PSI per Economic Activity Status (Release date to be determined)

PSI per Centrality (Release date to be determined)



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With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
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