

Special Announcement

香港民意研究所(香港民研)自上星期二合併網頁的「原始數據」專頁與「數據查冊」專頁之 後,下載活動錄得明顯增加。「香港民研數據查冊平台」收費部分自八月底啟動以來,直至今 天,民研共錄得 30 次下載,當中 8 次在過去一星期出現。所有下載涉及超過 100 項調查結果 或原始數據,全屬免費,因此收入仍然是零。查冊平台現時提供查閱的調查結果頻數表共 170 項,再加五個特首的評分、市民身份認同感調查、立法會選舉和特首選舉研究合共 8 個調查項 目的單項原始數據。民研會陸續增加「數據查冊」專頁的內容,歡迎世界各地的學者、傳媒及 公眾人士瀏覽及下載。查詢電郵:[email protected]

Since the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) merged the “Datasets” feature webpage with its “Data Enquiry” page last Tuesday, the number of downloads has increased significantly. The “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” pay section was launched in late August. Up till today, a total of 30 downloads were recorded, 8 of which occurred in the week past. Total download now amounts to more than 100 sets of frequency results or raw datasets, all being free of charge so our income still stays at zero. The data enquiry platform now provides 170 sets of frequency results, together with single item datasets from 8 survey topics, including the ratings of 5 Chief Executives, people’s ethnic identity survey as well as Legislative Council and Chief Executive election studies. HKPORI will continue to enrich the contents of its data enquiry platform. Scholars, media and people worldwide are welcome to browse and download them. For enquiries, please email to [email protected].


Professional Customized Research Services


With over 35 years of experience, HKPORI is specialized in providing customized services to help ourcollaborators accurately grasp social dynamics and support informed decision-making.

Data Collection
Questionnaire Design
Data Processing and Analysis
Other Professional Services



The success of HKPORI requires the support of our civil society in the forms of volunteerism, membership and sponsorship.