香港民意研究所(香港民研)近日收到傳媒查詢,問及皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center) 最近發表的香港人身份認同民意調查。香港民研認為有關查詢有助市民了解世界民研的發展, 故此把相關答問整合發放,以作公眾教育之用。歡迎傳媒及公眾人士瀏覽「民研快訊: 問與答」欄目參閱全文,及到「香港民研數據查冊平台」下載身份認同感調查相關數據(包括 免費及付費項目),並與皮尤發表的調查結果互讀。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) recently received a media enquiry about a survey published by Pew Research Center regarding Hong Kong people’s ethnic identity. We consider such enquiries would help people understand the development of opinion research around the world, so we have collated and released the questions and answers for the purpose of public education. HKPORI welcomes media and the public to browse the “PORI Express: Q&A” column on to access the full contents, and to download all findings of our ethnic identity surveys (including free and paid items) from “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” to compare with those of Pew Research Center.