2023 年快將完結,香港民意研究所(香港民研)除了籌備下周的年終回顧發佈會外,亦已展 開我們每半年一次的定期檢討,與時共舞。在剛過去的兩個月,香港民研進行了一項試驗計劃, 以電話短訊及隨機抽樣方式邀請香港市民參與網上調查。我們正在研究數據,以便決定是否從 明年開始引入這個新方法。同時,我們亦會根據「香港民研數據查冊平台」的下載數字,調整 來年調查的操作和發放安排。
As 2023 comes to its end, besides preparing for next week’s year-end review press conference, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has also started another round of half-yearly reviews, in order to dance with time. Over the past two months, we have conducted an SMS experiment to sample research subjects. We are now studying the data and will soon decide whether or not to incorporate this method starting next year. We are also reviewing our operation based on the download figures registered at our “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System”.