2023 年即將結束,香港民意研究所(香港民研)亦已接近完成每半年一次的定期檢討。經過 數據分析後,我們決定從明年一月開始,正式引入電話短訊隨機抽樣調查,作為固網和手提電 話調查的增補樣本,各佔三分之一。我們同時決定把定期電話調查的頻率調整至每兩個月一 次,但同時增加網上意見群組調查至每月起碼一次,而新聞公佈和發佈會的頻率保持不變,直 至 2024 年中再次檢討,與時共舞。
As 2023 comes to its end, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has nearly completed its latest half-yearly review. After studying the data, we will introduce SMS into our sampling frame starting next January, along with landline and mobile samples, all in equal shares. We have also decided to adjust the frequency of our regular telephone surveys to once every two months, while increasing the frequency of our online panel surveys to at least once a month. The frequency of our press events will remain unchanged until our next review in mid-2024 in order to dance with time