踏入新的一年,香港民意研究所(香港民研)祝願所有香港和地球人在 2024 年有一個新的開 始,繼續為個人目標和社會理想向前邁進!香港民研會繼續謹守崗位,在嚴峻的環境下開拓新 天地,努力為香港及世界各地仍然對民意研究有抱負和堅持的人士和合作夥伴提供最專業和科 學的民意數據。香港民研,永遠向前!
At the beginning of this new year, we at the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) wish all peoples of the world a new good start in 2024, towards their personal and social goals! We will continue to stand firm on our Integrity and Quality (IQ) while breaking new grounds. We salute all peoples and partners who strive to continue their scientific and professional work under the severest conditions.