香港民意研究所(香港民研)於一月定期調查中正式引入電話短訊隨機抽樣調查,成功收集了 360 個電話短訊網上調查樣本,現正進行深入分析。與此同時,我們也在使用同一問卷,在網 上同步進行意見群組調查,進行比較。我們會整合所有樣本數據,研究合適的加權方法,然後 擇日公佈研究結果。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has officially introduced random SMS survey in its January regular survey and has successfully collected 360 SMS online samples. We are currently performing in-depth analysis. In the meantime, we are conducting an online panel survey using the same questionnaire so we can compare the results. We will consolidate the data of all samples and develop a suitable weighting method, then release the results in due course.