香港民意研究所(香港民研)早前把一月份「香港民研意見群組」網上調查四道開放式問題的 回應完整檔案上載至「香港民研數據查冊平台」,現已錄得多次付費下載,每次$100 至$200 不 等,成為平台成立半年多以來的首筆收入,亦證明了有關數據的參考價值。我們會繼續進行此 類開放式問題的數據蒐集和整理,服務社會。查詢電郵:[email protected]。
The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) recently uploaded the answers of four open-ended questions collected in our January “POP Panel” online survey. A number of purchases ranging from $100 to $200 has been recorded, which was our very first income since our Data Enquiry System was launched more than 6 months ago. In view of the proven interest, we will continue to collect and collate more of these open-ended responses to serve the general public. For enquiries, please email to [email protected]