從今年一月開始,我們的定期電話調查已經下調至每兩個月一次,但網上意見群組調查則增加 至每月起碼一次,新聞發佈活動的頻率則保持不變,直至年中檢討為止。由於調查方法不同, 我們現階段並不建議把網上意見調查的數字與電話調查的數字作出直接比較。此外,我們將於 2 月 29 日政府發表財政預算案後第二天,以新聞公報形式發放市民對財政預算案的即時反應。 調查方法與去年一樣,屬於網上意見群組調查。
Starting this year, we have cut down the frequency of our regular telephone surveys to once every two months, increased the frequency of our online panel surveys to at least once a month, and kept the frequency of our press events unchanged, until our next review in mid-2024. Due to different designs, we do not recommend comparing online panel figures with telephone survey figures, until we have accumulated more data. Moreover, on February 29, which is the day after the Budget Talk, we will issue a press release on people’s instant reaction to the Budget. It will be an online panel survey like last year.