香港民意研究所(香港民研)於今年財政預算案的即時網上調查新設了一道開放式問題,以了 解被訪者對預算案表示滿意和不滿意的原因。調查今晨九點結束,共收到超過 1,700 個開放答 案,現已上載至「香港民研數據查冊平台」,供有興趣人士付費下載,折實價為$200,會員再半價。截至今天,查冊平台已有三個調查的開放答案原始數據可供下載,讓市民自行分析。香 港民研要求所有查冊人士,承諾不會把所獲資料轉送或轉售給任何人士。查詢電郵 [email protected]。
The Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has introduced an open-ended question to this year’s online instant survey on the Budget, to explore the reasons behind respondents’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the Budget. The survey ended at 9am this morning. More than 1,700 open-ended responses have been received, and they are now uploaded onto our “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System” for interested parties to download at a discounted price of $200, extra half price for HKPORI members. As of today, raw datasets of open-ended answers from three surveys are available for download from our data enquiry platform, and citizens can carry out analysis on their own. HKPORI requires all data acquirers to pledge that they will not transfer or resell the information to anyone. For enquiries, please email to [email protected].