香港民意研究所 (香港民研) 自去年開始將財政預算案即時調查改為學生作業,由浸會大學陳 家洛教授帶領三十多名浸大學生主導進行,然後向傳媒公布結果。今年香港民研再次協助浸大 學生進行類似的學生作業,於財政預算案公佈當中及翌日透過網上問卷,成功訪問 2,409 位「香 港民研意見群組」成員,調查結果將由浸大學生代表聯同陳家洛教授於今天 (3 月 5 日) 下午 3 時在「香港民研會議中心」向傳媒公佈,歡迎傳媒派員採訪。
Since last year, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has changed its Budget instant poll operation to a student project, which was undertaken by over 30 students from Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) led by Prof Kenneth Chan, and then released the results to the media. This year, HKPORI assisted another group of HKBU students to repeat the same operation. A total of 2,409 “POP Panel” members were successfully interviewed via an online questionnaire during and the day after the Budget Speech. The HKBU student representatives, together with Prof. Kenneth Chan, will release the survey findings to the media at 3pm today (March 5) at the “HKPORI Conference Center”. The media is invited to send representatives to attend.