Special Announcement
2024年第二季即將來臨,經過三個月的測試,香港民意研究所(香港民研)決定繼續發展關鍵 字雲分析、人工智能序列、二次數據挖掘和歷史資料歸檔。此外,香港民研亦會進一步發展意 見群組調查和網上慎思活動等科學研究活動,配合社會的最新需要。
As 2024 second quarter approaches, after three months of experimenting, Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has decided to continue our word cloud analysis, AI listing, data mining and dataset archiving. Meanwhile, we will further develop scientific studies like panel surveys and online deliberative studies, to meet the new needs of society.