香港民意研究所(香港民研)之前已經公佈,會在不同領域進一步發展科學的民意研究手法, 如意見群組調查及慎思民調等,繼續為社會提供最專業和科學的民意數據。民研現已決定,於 本月較後時間自費舉行線上慎思民調 (e-Deliberative Poll),主題為「都市固體廢物收費」。民研 計劃以電郵邀請「香港民研意見群組」成員參與,目標參與人數為 30 人,就有關課題進行深 入討論,然後把結果公諸於世。
We at the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has previously announced that we will continue to develop our scientific study of public opinion using panel surveys and deliberative studies, in order to provide professional and scientific data for our society. We have now decided to organise an e-Deliberative Poll (e-DP) later this month on the theme of “Municipal Solid Waste Charging”. We plan to invite 30 of our “POP Panel” members to deliberate on this issue, and then release our findings as early as possible.