香港民意研究所(香港民研)已於 4 月 23 日舉行記者會,發放「都市固體廢物收費」線上慎 思民調 (e-Deliberative Poll) 的報告,包括量性及質性結果,並已上載不經刪剪的電腦生成討論 文字紀錄及開放式問題回應至「香港民研數據查冊平台」,供有興趣人士付費下載。平台上現 時合共有六套質性數據集,全部定價為會員價$100,歡迎到民研網頁選購。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) held a press conference on April 23 to release the report of an e-Deliberative Poll (e-DP) on “Municipal Solid Waste Charging”, including both quantitative and qualitative results. We have already uploaded the unedited computer-generated transcript and open-ended responses to our “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry Platform” for interested parties to purchase. There are currently six sets of qualitative datasets on the platform, all available for purchase at member price of $100, welcome to visit HKPORI website.