香港民意研究所(香港民研)剛於 5 月 4 日慶祝成立五周年,並且公開承諾會全力以赴,繼續 發揚五四精神。民研同時決定,每天發放至少一個社交媒體貼文,直至 6 月底再檢討。民研會 繼續採用嶄新的民意研究方法和𢑥𢑥報形式,透過「民意數據查冊平台」分享更多品種的研究數 據,包括題目的質性回應、慎思民調的討論原文,以及更多之前未有發表的項目數字和原始數 據,大部分可以免費下載,其餘最低消費$100,歡迎到民研 網頁 選購。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has just celebrated its 5th Anniversary on May 4 and remains fully committed to the May Fourth Spirit. Meanwhile, we will release at least one social media post every day until the end of June. We will continue to develop new products and share new data via our “Poll Data Enquiry Platform”, including qualitative answers, Deliberative Poll transcriptions, along with newly published survey figures and datasets. Most of them are free, others can be purchased at just $100. Please visit HKPORI website.