香港民意研究所(香港民研)近日不斷更新「香港民研數據查冊平台」,包括新增數據項目索引及四種數據類型的簡單介紹。截至 5 月 31 日,我們總 共錄得接近 1,500 次下載記錄,當中有 10 次為付費購買,涉及金額總共$3,460。目前平台共有 211 項題目頻數表、747 看題目數據集、60 項完整數據集和 6 項質性數據集,總共 1,024 個數 據產品供有興趣人士選購。翻查六四調查項目,共有 9 條 2023 年從未發表的題目頻數表,屬 於付費項目,暫時錄得零次下載。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has recently enhanced its HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry Platform”“, by adding a new index and some descriptions of the data products. As of May 31, we have recorded nearly 1,500 downloads, of which 10 were paid items amounting to $3,460. Currently, there are 211 sets of frequency tables, 747 question-based datasets, 60 full datasets, and 6 qualitative datasets, giving a total of 1,024 data products available. As for June Fourth items, there are 9 sets of never published frequency tables for 2023, all being paid items with zero download.