香港民意研究所(香港民研)最新下載統計數字顯示,於過去一星期,「首長民望」、「身 份認同」和「社會指標」在我們的「數據查冊平台」分別新增了 115、1 及 1 次下載紀錄,但 有八個調查系列則依然保持零次下載,調查議題包括紀律部隊民望、議員民望、政治團體民 望、六四事件、台灣及西藏問題、各地政府及人民觀感等。如果情況持續至月底,民研可能 考慮暫停有關調查以節省資源。查詢電郵:[email protected]。
The latest download statistics compiled by Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) show that over the past week, the number of downloads of “Popularity of Top Leaders”, “Ethnic Identity” and “Social Indicators” at our “Poll Data Enquiry Platform” has increased by 115, 1 and 1 respectively, while 8 survey series have remained at zero download, including topics like popularity of the disciplinary forces, council members and political groups, June Fourth Incident, Taiwan and Tibet issues, and feelings towards different governments and peoples. If the situation persists up to the end of this month, HKPORI may consider suspending these surveys in order to save resources. Enquiries: [email protected].