香港民意研究所(香港民研)日前宣布會根據市民興趣、研究價值、成本效益、會員意見、歷 史價值、法律風險等六項因素決定各項定期調查項目會否繼續進行。香港民研今天正式宣佈: 基於沒有任何下載活動,我們會暫時擱置三項調查,包括「行政會議成員民望」、「六四事件」 和「特區成立周年」調查。然而,若有關題目在未來半年錄得下載記錄,則可能會重新啟動相 關調查。查詢電郵:[email protected]。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has earlier announced a basket of 6 factors determining whether a tracking survey will be continued or not, which include expressed interest, research value, cost-effectiveness, members’ opinion, historical value, and legal risk. Today, HKPORI announces the indefinite suspension of three tracking surveys, namely the “Popularity of Executive Councillors”, “June Fourth Incident” and “HKSAR Anniversary” surveys, due to zero download. However, in case a download will occur over the next six months, we may consider restarting the relevant survey. Enquiries: [email protected].