香港民意研究所(香港民研)早前宣布會根據市民興趣、研究價值、成本效益、會員意見、歷 史價值、法律風險等六項因素決定各項定期調查項目會否繼續進行,並宣佈除非未來半年錄得 下載記錄,否則無限期擱置三項調查,包括「行政會議成員民望」、「六四事件」和「特區成立 周年」調查。以下為協助市民下載有關調查項目的教學短片:「行會成員」、「六四事件」和「特 區周年」。查詢電郵:[email protected]。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has earlier announced a basket of 6 factors determining whether a tracking survey will be continued or not, which include expressed interest, research value, cost-effectiveness, members’ opinion, historical value, and legal risk. It also announced the indefinite suspension of three tracking surveys, namely the “Popularity of Executive Councillors”, “June Fourth Incident” and “HKSAR Anniversary” surveys, unless a download will occur over the next six months. Here are three demonstration clips on how to download these items: Executive Councillors, June Fourth, HKSAR Anniversary. Enquiries: [email protected].