香港民意研究所(香港民研)已經向民研會員發放2024年1月至6月的半年度活動報告,詳細列 出民研在這半年間進行的各類研究活動,包括長期追蹤調查、意見群組調查、線上慎思民調,以及其他委託或合作項目。各界人士如欲獲取報告,歡迎點擊成為「民研之友」,我們會儘快把報告傳送給你。轉眼間,民研已經成立五年,連同當年在香港大學的歷史,合計33年,剛好三分一個世紀。民研團隊在此衷心感謝各界人士,不論政見和背景,一直以來對我們的尊重和支持!
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has released its half-yearly activity report of January to June 2024 to its members, covering its Tracking Surveys, PopPanel Surveys, eDeliberative Poll, and other projects. If you would like to get a copy of this report, please click to become a “PORI Friend” and we will send you a copy. In the blink of an eye, HKPORI has operated for 5 years. Together with our time in The University of Hong Kong, exactly 33 years or one third of a century has passed. Our team would like to thank Hong Kong people, regardless of their political views and background, for their respect and support all along!