香港民意研究所(香港民研)月初宣布,由於相關民意數據沒有下載使用紀錄,我們會擱置三 項定期調查,包括「行政會議成員民望」、「六四事件」和「特區成立周年」調查。除非相關題 目在年底前錄得下載,則可能會重新啟動。感謝市民支持,於過去一週,我們已錄得新的付費 下載活動,唯仍有個別調查系列下載量為零。我們會再觀察一段時間,在年底進行全面檢討。 民研重申:我們會根據市民興趣、研究價值、成本效益、會員意見、歷史價值、法律風險等六 項因素決定各項調查項目的未來去向。查詢電郵:[email protected]。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) has announced early this month the suspension of three tracking surveys, namely the “Popularity of Executive Councillors”, “June Fourth Incident” and “HKSAR Anniversary” surveys, due to zero download, but in case a download will occur in coming 6 months, we may consider restarting the relevant survey. Thanks to the public support, some new paid downloads of our unpublished datasets were recorded over the past week. However, there are still some series with zero download. We will wait a while before we conduct our comprehensive review at the end of year. HKPORI reiterates: we would decide the future direction of our tracking surveys based on 6 factors, which include expressed interest, research value, costeffectiveness, members’ opinion, historical value, and legal risk. Enquiries: [email protected].