香港民意研究所(香港民研)主席及行政總裁,兼世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)會長鍾庭耀,剛 從首爾舉行的 WAPOR 第 77 屆暨 WAPOR 亞太區第 7 屆聯合年會返港。是次年會共有 408 位 來自 51 個國家或地區的代表出席,總共發表了 272 篇論文,創下紀錄。鍾會長為世界民意研 究學會的付出及領導獲得與會者一致讚賞,而自由、素質和人道這些核心價值現已深深植入學 會成員的心裡。
The President and Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) Robert Chung, who is also the President of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), has just returned to Hong Kong from the WAPOR 77th and WAPOR Asia Pacific 7th Joint Annual Conference held in Seoul. The conference registered a record-breaking attendance of 408 participants from 51 countries, contributing a total of 272 papers. President Chung’s leadership of WAPOR was highly appreciated, and the core values of Liberty, Quality, and Humanity are now deeply entrenched in the WAPOR Community.