香港民意研究所(香港民研)已於上周五將七月份定期電話調查的民調數據全部上載至香港 民研網頁,當中包括特首及司長民望、政府民望、社會狀況評價、紀律部隊及駐港解放軍民 望、對各地政府及人民觀感和台灣及西藏問題。市民可以點選網頁的「數據下載」,然後進入 「產品一覽表」 ,即可瀏覽所有免費及須付費下載的數 據產品。目前平台可供選購的數據產品已超過1,100項(涵蓋15個調查系列41個調查項目), 當中 893 項為免費下載, 240 項則為收費項目。加入香港民研成為會員可享半價優惠,最低 定價$100,歡迎到民研網頁選購。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) uploaded last Friday on its website all July telephone survey data, including the popularity of CE, Secretaries, HKSAR Government, disciplinary forces, and people’s appraisal of current conditions, different governments and peoples, and the Taiwan and Tibet Issues. Please click “Data Download” and then “Product Index” to find all items, free and paid. There are over 1,100 data products (covering 41 survey items in 15 series) available on our platform, among which 893 are for free and 240 are paid items. HKPORI members enjoy a 50% discount, and $100 is the minimum price. Please visit our website.