香港民意研究所(香港民研)編輯團隊繼續透過社交媒體報導,世界民意研究學會(WAPOR)會 長鍾庭耀如何主持上月在首爾舉行的年會。最新一篇 文章 講述鍾會長主持的一個主題圓桌會 議,探討民意研究如何盛載人文精神。他更透露了一個沒有寫在 WAPOR 文件的原因:「我作 為香港人參與 WAPOR 的工作,前前後後都 20 多年,現在擔任會長,適值香港自由的發展⋯⋯ 呈下降軌跡,我覺得香港人或者香港文化的出路,就是繼續維持我們的國際化。」作為扎根於 香港的民意研究者,他希望與國際間的研究者共同努力,服務人類(humankind,鍾強調,這 個字裏有 hk)。
The Editorial Team of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) continues to publish articles on how Robert Chung, the President of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), conducted its Annual Conference held in Seoul last month. The latest article described how President Chung conducted a keynote roundtable on Humanity. He revealed one reason not documented in WAPOR: “As a HongKonger participating in WAPOR’s work for over 20 years, now as President, coinciding with Hong Kong's declining trajectory of freedom... I feel the way forward for the people and culture of Hong Kong people is to maintain our international outlook.” As a public opinion researcher rooted in Hong Kong, he hopes to work together with international researchers to serve humankind.