香港民意研究所(香港民研)繼續進行五周年檢討,最新構思是在未來三個月逐步開展各項新 發展,包括重整社交媒體平台、重新設計網頁、重組數據查冊平台、推廣慎思活動、優化會員 制度,以配合擴展日後的公民教育工作和提升用家體驗。以上所有發展預計可在年底前推出, 民研會員到時將可優先閱讀民研最新的新聞公報、研究資訊和專家評論,以及獲取會員專訊和 與研究團隊互動交流,集思廣益。有關詳情將會陸續公布,敬請留意。
Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (HKPORI) continues to conduct its 5th anniversary review, the latest idea is to space out all changes within next three months. It will revise its social media platforms, redesign its website, reorganize its data enquiry platform, promote deliberation activities, and enhance its membership system. By the end of the year, its members will be given priority access to PORI’s latest press releases, research materials and experts' commentaries. They will also receive exclusive information and can interact directly with the team. More details will be announced in due course.