

Public Sentiment Index v2.0



於2023年6月28日,香港民研發表了「民情指數25年」的報告,作為「一國兩制25周年中期民情總結」的最後一個發表項目,報告聚焦分析了1997年7月至2022年6月四任特首的數據,涵蓋董建華、曾蔭權、梁振英和林鄭月娥的任期,但不包括彭定康和時任特首李家超。及至2023年7月,民研開始重新整合及分析過去三十多年建構民情指數的方法和數據,正式成為「第二代民情指數」。民研於7月4 日首次發放「民情指數第6.1號報告」,亦即民研第一份跨越第六個香港最高領導人的民情指數報告,除了調整了民情指數的計算方法,還把覆蓋範圍擴大至由1992年7月開始,2023年6月結束,前後31年超過70萬個透過隨機抽樣電話訪問的數據樣本。初部構思整個「第二代民情指數分析系列」共有12個單元,發放周期大約橫跨三至四個月,將不斷重複和更新。















Background Information

In 2012, HKPORI compiled the “Public Sentiment Index (PSI)” with an aim to quantify Hong Kong people’s sentiments, in order to explain and predict the likelihood of mass movements. PSI comprises 2 components: one being Government Appraisal (GA) Score and the other being Society Appraisal (SA) Score. GA refers to people’s appraisal of society’s governance while SA refers to people’s appraisal of the social environment. PSI comprises 10 public opinion indicators, with data collected since July 1992, meaning over 30 years of accumulated data.

On June 28, 2023, HKPORI released the report entitled “25 Years of Public Sentiment Index”, as the final wrap up of our “One Country Two Systems 25-year Mid-tern Review”, which focused on the terms of four CEs between July 1997 and June 2022, meaning Tung Chee-hwa, Donald Tsang, CY Leung and Carrie Lam, but excluding Chris Patten and the incumbent CE John Lee. Then, in July 2023, HKPORI began to revisit and analyze the methodology and data used to construct PSI over the past 30 years or so, leading to the official launch of “PSI v2.0”. The “PSI Report No.6.1” meaning the first report covering the sixth top leader of Hong Kong was released on July 4, 2023. It not only adjusted the computation method of the PSI, but also extended its coverage to over 700,000 random telephone survey samples obtained through random telephone interviews over the past 31 years, starting from July 1992 and ending in June 2023. In our initial plan, there will be 12 modules under the “PSI v2.0 Analysis Series”, while the release cycle would roughly span over three to four months, then continuously repeats and updates.

Through this “PSI v2.0 Analysis Series”, HKPORI hopes to fully demonstrate the power and value of secondary data analysis, also to deepen our work in multi-media civic education.

Aggregate Report

PSI Report No. 6.50

PSI Report No. 6.45

PSI Report No. 6.41

PSI Report No. 6.34

PSI Report No. 6.28

PSI Report No. 6.23

PSI Report No. 6.17

PSI Report No. 6.13

PSI Report No. 6.6

Archived Website

Public Sentiment Index Feature Page

Charts and Tables

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