Survey on Blood Donation Habits and Views on Blood Management

Questionnaire (Chinese only)

Survey results (Chinese only)

News report (1)(Chinese only):調查下疫情期間受訪者捐血次數減六成 學會籲定期捐血 【Radio Television Hong Kong】

News report (2)(Chinese only):調查指市民疫下捐血次數減少六成 【EJFQ】

News report (3)(Chinese only):疫下捐血大減六成 團體籲港人恆常捐血 【The Epoch Times】

News report (4)(Chinese only):調查:疫情下捐血次數大減六成 【Now News】

News report (5)(Chinese only):87%曾捐血市民第五波高峰期停捐【Wenweipao】

News report (6)(Chinese only):调查:市民疫下捐血次数大减六成 【Ta Kung Pao】

News report (7)(Chinese only):調查指市民疫下捐血次數減少六成【Hong Kong Economic Journal】

News report (8)(Chinese only):怕外出染疫無心情 第五波九成曾捐血者停捐 【Ming Pao】

News report (9)(Chinese only):調查:市民疫下捐血次數大減6成【Commercial Radio Hong Kong】

News report (10)(Chinese only):調查顯示市民疫下捐血次數大減6成 學會指情況令人憂慮【Sing Tao Headline】

News report (11)(Chinese only):調查指疫下港人捐血次數大減【Hong Kong China News Agency】

News report (12)(Chinese only):【捐血】調查指市民疫下捐血次數大減六成 即時疫情緩和亦無重拾捐血習慣【TOPick】

News report (13)(Chinese only):調查揭捐血者疫下捐血次數大減六成 學會籲盡可能定期捐血 【AM730】

News report (14)(Chinese only):38%受訪者疫下影響心情減少捐血 團體建議用血應開源節流【HK01】

News report (15)(Chinese only):調查:疫情後市民捐血次數減六成 八成人失捐血習慣【i-CABLE News】

News report (16)(Chinese only):調查顯示市民疫下捐血次數大減6成 學會指情況令人憂慮【】

News report (17)(Chinese only):調查發現疫情令捐血者捐血次數大減六成 學會促恒常捐血【Hong Kong Commercial Daily】

News report (18)(Chinese only):受訪市民疫下少定期捐血 促商界學界偕紅十字會鼓勵港人重拾習慣 【Ming Pao】

News report (19)(Chinese only):學會:疫下港人捐血意慾大減 籲恆常捐血 【Wenweipao】

News report (20)(Chinese only):市民捐血次數大減六成 83%人疫情緩和未再捐血【AM730】

News report (21)(Chinese only):血庫告急|疫下捐血大減六成 團體籲港人恆常捐血【The Epoch Times】

News report (22)(Chinese only):調查指市民疫下捐血次數大減6成 學會:情況令人憂慮【Bastille Post】

News report (23)(Chinese only):「無心情捐血」比率近7成【Oriental Daily】

News report (24)(Chinese only):怕外出染疫無心情 第五波九成曾捐血者停捐【Life Ming Pao】

News report (25)(Chinese only):捐血情況|調查顯示市民疫下捐血次數大減6成 學會指情況令人憂慮【Sing Tao Headline】

News report (26)(Chinese only):市民捐血次數大減六成 83%人疫情緩和未再捐血【AM730】

News report (27)(Chinese only):調查發現曾捐血受訪者在疫情期間捐血次數減六成【Radio Television Hong Kong】

News report (28)(Chinese only):染疫無心情 部分人每年捐「不足半次」 第5波雖放緩 83%人未重拾捐血習慣【Sky Post】

News report (29)(Chinese only):學會指疫情緩和逾8成人稱失去捐血習慣【】

News report (30)(Chinese only):學會:疫下港人捐血意欲大減 籲恆常捐血【Ta Kung Wen Wei】

News report (31)(Chinese only):疫下市民捐血次數暴跌6成 學會籲定期捐血【Oriental Daily】

News report (32):Hong Kong blood donations dry up because of Covid-19 pandemic, but no sign of rebound as restrictions ease, online survey shows 【South China Morning Post】

News report (33):Blood appeal as infection-fearing donors thin out 【The Standard】

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