Classified Survey Series (Survey series not to be released / no longer conducted)

As HKPORI entered its fifth anniversary, it repositioned itself in human history as well as in the world. Having considered various factors including public demand for opinion data, resource allocation and risk assessment, HKPORI has downscaled its self-funded data collection effort starting from July 2023. The results of certain survey series would also no longer be released to the public and only made available for the purpose of academic research, for internal reference or for a fee. Meanwhile, we have launched the “HKPORI Poll Data Enquiry System”, which provides access to data for a fee or free of charge. We require all data acquirers to pledge that they will not use it for illegal purposes, nor will they transfer or resell it to any person. Please see below for the changes made in this round of adjustments.


Classified Survey Series: Survey series not to be released starting July 2023

Survey Series Question
Popularity of Executive Councillors Please name non-official Executive Council members that you are most familiar with, name at most 5. (Ask “Any more?”)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Executive Council member XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?
Popularity of Legislative Councillors Please name Legislative Council members that you are most familiar with, name at most 10. (Ask “Any more?”)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?
Popularity of Political Groups Please name Hong Kong political groups that you are most familiar with, name at most 10. (Ask “Any more?”)(excluding pan-democrat/pro-democracy/pro-establishment camps)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?
Popularity of Cross-Strait Political Figures Please name Mainland or Taiwanese leaders that you are most familiar with, name at most 10. (Ask “Any more?”)
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to XXX, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate XXX?
National Issues Are you confident in the ultimate reunification of Taiwan and Mainland China?
Do you agree to Taiwan rejoining the United Nations?
Do you think “One country, two systems” is applicable to Taiwan?
Do you agree to Taiwan becoming independent?
Do you agree to Tibet becoming independent?
On the whole, do you trust the Beijing Central Government? (Probe intensity)
On the whole, do you trust the Taiwan Government? (Probe intensity)
Do you have confidence in China’s future?
Do you have confidence in “One Country, Two Systems”?
Ethnic Identity You would identify yourself as a: Hongkonger / Chinese / Chinese in Hong Kong / Hongkonger in China (Read out first four answers, order randomized by computer)
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a Hongkonger, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as a Hongkonger, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a Chinese, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as a Chinese, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a citizen of PRC, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as a citizen of PRC, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a member of the Chinese race, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as a member of the Chinese race, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as an Asian, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as an Asian, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your strength of identity as a global citizen, with 10 indicating extremely strong, 0 indicating extremely weak, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
Please use a scale of 0-10 to rate your importance as a global citizen, with 10 indicating extremely important, 0 indicating not important at all, and 5 indicating half-half. How would you rate yourself?
If you have a choice, which country or region would you like to belong to? (Do not read out answers)
How would you describe your current identity: Chinese born and raised in Hong Kong / Immigrated from Mainland to Hong Kong for less than 7 years / Immigrated from Mainland to Hong Kong for over 7 years / Overseas Chinese / Non-Chinese (Read out first four answers, order randomized by computer)
Are you a returning immigrant?
June Fourth Incident Do you think the Beijing students did the right thing in the June 4 incident?
Do you think the Chinese government did the right thing in the June 4 incident?
Do you support the reversion of the official stand on the June 4 incident?
Do you think Hong Kong people have the responsibility to instigate the development of democracy in China?
Do you think Hong Kong people have the responsibility to instigate the economic development in China?
Do you think Hong Kong people should put more effort on instigating development in China’s economy or democracy?
Which do you think China needs more: economic or democratic development?
Handover Anniversary Did you feel proud after the Handover for officially becoming a Chinese national citizen?
How would you rate the policies of the central government regarding Hong Kong after the Handover?
Popularity of Disciplinary Forces Are you satisfied with the performance of the Hong Kong Police Force?
Are you satisfied with the performance of the PLA’s Hong Kong Garrison? (Probe intensity)
Please rate on a scale of 0-100 your satisfaction with the Hong Kong Police Force as a disciplinary force. 0 stands for very dissatisfied, 100 stands for very satisfied, 50 stands for half-half. How would you rate it?
Global Issues Overall, what do you feel about the government of Hong Kong? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the people of Hong Kong? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the government of Mainland? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the people of Mainland? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the government of Taiwan? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the people of Taiwan? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the government of Macau? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the people of Macau? (Probe intensity)
Apart from the governments of Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau, name 10 governments of countries or regions you are most familiar with.
Overall, what do you feel about the government of XXX? (Probe intensity)
Overall, what do you feel about the people of XXX? (Probe intensity)

Classified Survey Series: Survey series no longer conducted starting July 2023

Survey Series Question
Rule of law indicators (Long) Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support to the Chief Justice Andrew Cheung Kui-nung, with 0 indicating absolutely not supportive, 100 indicating absolutely supportive and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Chief Justice Andrew Cheung Kui-nung?
June Fourth Incident Do you think the Alliance should be disbanded?
Please use a scale of 0-100 to rate your extent of support for the Alliance, with 0 indicating absolutely not support, 100 indicating absolutely support, and 50 indicating half-half. How would you rate the Alliance?
Compared to 1989, do you think China’s human rights condition has become better or worse?
Do you think the human rights condition in China will be better or even worse in three years’ time?
Corporate Social Responsibility Please name up to 5 public transportation organizations that you are most familiar with. Please include passenger transportation in land and sea, but exclude airline and tunnel services.
I would mention a few local public transportation organizations. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate AAA?
I would mention a few local public transportation organizations. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate BBB?
I would mention a few local public transportation organizations. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate CCC?
Please name up to 5 local chained fast food restaurants, not counting Chinese restaurants.
I would mention a few local fast food restaurants. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate DDD?
I would mention a few local fast food restaurants. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate EEE?
I would mention a few local fast food restaurants. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate FFF?
Please name up to 5 local real estate and property development companies that you are most familiar with. Please include building developer, but excludes real estate agent companies.
I would mention a few local real estate companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate GGG?
I would mention a few local real estate companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate HHH?
I would mention a few local real estate companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate III?
Please name up to 5 local retail companies that you are most familiar with. Please include department stores, supermarkets and convenient stores, but exclude wearing apparel and electrical appliance retail shops.
I would mention a few local retail companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate JJJ?
I would mention a few local retail companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate KKK?
I would mention a few local retail companies. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate LLL?
Please name up to 5 telecommunication companies that you are most familiar with. Please include fixed line, paging, mobile and internet services companies.
I would mention a few local telecommunication companies. Please rate how they are performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate MMM?
I would mention a few local telecommunication companies. Please rate how they are performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate NNN?
I would mention a few local telecommunication companies. Please rate how they are performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate OOO?
Please name up to 5 banks and financial services companies that you are most familiar with. Please include stocks investment, but exclude insurance and money lender companies.
I would mention a few local banks. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate PPP?
I would mention a few local banks. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate QQQ?
I would mention a few local banks. Please rate how they have performed in terms of corporate social responsibility using 0 to 100 marks. 0 indicates extremely poor performance, 100 indicates extremely good performance and 50 indicates half-half. How would you rate RRR?

Note: Due to the shortening of some survey modules, like simplifying the rating of all disciplinary forces to just “top three”, there are about 10 to 20 survey questions being dropped from our operation. If we also consider the reduction in frequency for some survey modules, the “effective number of question-appearance” per year would be further compressed.

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